Hi guys,
I'm new here, as you can probably tell from the postcount. Anyway, aviation courses are probably way too expensive for me and that's why I choose the similar activity which is gliding on sailplanes. It's not as glorious as flying a powered aircraft, I don't think. You don't get the really cool taxiing or all those fancy ATC convos requesting clearance.
We do get quiet flights though (or glide), and hopping from one cloud to the other circling around thermals can be quite fun too. We even sometimes get to thermal together with some eagles (must watch out if they start attacking the glider though).
I think gliding is really awesome. I've only done a few sessions, I've been really busy but I'm planning to continue and fly solo soon, I hope (now that it's summer here).
So yeah, anyone of you do gliding too?
I'm new here, as you can probably tell from the postcount. Anyway, aviation courses are probably way too expensive for me and that's why I choose the similar activity which is gliding on sailplanes. It's not as glorious as flying a powered aircraft, I don't think. You don't get the really cool taxiing or all those fancy ATC convos requesting clearance.
We do get quiet flights though (or glide), and hopping from one cloud to the other circling around thermals can be quite fun too. We even sometimes get to thermal together with some eagles (must watch out if they start attacking the glider though).
I think gliding is really awesome. I've only done a few sessions, I've been really busy but I'm planning to continue and fly solo soon, I hope (now that it's summer here).
So yeah, anyone of you do gliding too?