I've just had a couple of rejects for c/n missing. The aircraft are French registered Robin 400's. I looked them up in the two French registers that I have ( don't remember the websites and I'm not at home at the moment ) where the type and owner are listed but not all the French register entries give a c/n.
I've had a quick search for the rules but can't find an answer so could someone please clarify the upload rules concerning missing c/n ? I notice quite often when using the autofill that c/n's are missing, with all other information present, which indicates to me that the c/n has not been supplied on previous uploads.
Should I put "unknown" in the c/n field if I cannot determine the c/n despite register searches ?
I've had a quick search for the rules but can't find an answer so could someone please clarify the upload rules concerning missing c/n ? I notice quite often when using the autofill that c/n's are missing, with all other information present, which indicates to me that the c/n has not been supplied on previous uploads.
Should I put "unknown" in the c/n field if I cannot determine the c/n despite register searches ?