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The friendly way to fly

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  • The friendly way to fly

    Ok, you win! You can stay peaceful because at least for a few months you won't have my photos clogging up the queue.

    I really like JP, I love having my photos here, and I am very grateful that you accepted my request and gave me another chance after the time I was out. But for my sanity, to avoid continuing with the frustrations I've been experiencing for the past few months with non-sense and unfair rejections which seems to personal, I'm going to take a break. Until mid-2022 it was still fine, but since then things have been getting difficult, the rejections are becoming increasingly incoherent, unfortunately it looks like the competing site. It also seems like this is intentional to make us give up and stop submitting photos to reduce the queue. I'm sure not everybody will agree with me but I'm also sure it's not just my opinion based on conversations with friends and widespread complaints here on the forum.

    I say this "see you leater" for now with this photo that brought me great joy in the middle of all of this with the Screener's Choice, as I was already believing it would be rejected for backlit. I won't remove from the queue what is already there, and I should mention that there is a very similar one already in the queue, I really hope you all enjoy it, after all, that's the main reason we do it!

  • #2
    You're lucky to have this pic chosen as Screener's Choice. I bet it was very close from being rejected due to "Too Much or Too Little Contrast"
    My pictures:


    • #3
      Drama Queen leaves …..


      • #4
        Originally posted by llpilch View Post
        Ok, you win! You can stay peaceful because at least for a few months you won't have my photos clogging up the queue.

        I really like JP, I love having my photos here, and I am very grateful that you accepted my request and gave me another chance after the time I was out. But for my sanity, to avoid continuing with the frustrations I've been experiencing for the past few months with non-sense and unfair rejections which seems to personal, I'm going to take a break. Until mid-2022 it was still fine, but since then things have been getting difficult, the rejections are becoming increasingly incoherent, unfortunately it looks like the competing site. It also seems like this is intentional to make us give up and stop submitting photos to reduce the queue. I'm sure not everybody will agree with me but I'm also sure it's not just my opinion based on conversations with friends and widespread complaints here on the forum.

        I say this "see you leater" for now with this photo that brought me great joy in the middle of all of this with the Screener's Choice, as I was already believing it would be rejected for backlit. I won't remove from the queue what is already there, and I should mention that there is a very similar one already in the queue, I really hope you all enjoy it, after all, that's the main reason we do it!

        See you later. I agree with you in some points. But what is the competing site?


        • #5
          Originally posted by llpilch View Post
          non-sense and unfair rejections which seems to personal.... rejections are becoming increasingly incoherent.... seems like this is intentional... just my opinion based on conversations with friends and widespread complaints here...
          What can I say, I'm not a screener so I'm not defending screening decisions. I only comment on your statement. Believing that "things are personal" is absurd. "incoherent" is a big word in photography without fully measurable criteria. "intentional" is quite an accusation for those dedicating their time for a greater thing, for this community. "widespread complaint" is slightly exaggerated given the amount of photographers going through the process every day. YOUR opinion, you're free to have it, share it, question it, amend it.

          Believe it or not, it was me suggesting to crew to replace the fb header pic with YOUR image (decision still pending). So while you let yourself demotivate by some lowlights, remember that every spotter, including you, has highlights, often unrewarded, sometimes lifted to the mainstage center podium. Enjoy shooting, and thanks for sharing your pics here!


          • #6
            Originally posted by bleuair View Post
            What can I say, I'm not a screener so I'm not defending screening decisions. I only comment on your statement. Believing that "things are personal" is absurd. "incoherent" is a big word in photography without fully measurable criteria. "intentional" is quite an accusation for those dedicating their time for a greater thing, for this community. "widespread complaint" is slightly exaggerated given the amount of photographers going through the process every day. YOUR opinion, you're free to have it, share it, question it, amend it.
            Hi Mirko! Maybe you read it with another bias.
            Well, just clarify: I didn't say things ARE personal, I said "it seems to be". It's a small diferrence but changes completely the interpretation from an accusation for a disappointment with the sense that the screening is not following a standard. Which either happens more with the huge queue, or maybe is perception with the frustration of waiting so long for a rejection.

            The "personal" I've said comes together with the "incoherent". You're right, we can't measure it precisely with numbers for example, but for months we see people complaining about the contrast rejections, we can see our rejections and we can see some accepted photos a lot worse than our rejections, I already explained my point for 2 senior screeners, also in another thread here, so won't say all again, but since I got fine shots (not awesome, not perfect, but decent, acceptable) rejected and see on the site dark, grayish, photos with dark planes against a overexposed white sky, sometimes with more issues like blurry accepted, then this feeling of unfair screening starts to raise.

            Okay, "widespread" might have been exaggerated, but the complaints do exists...

            Originally posted by bleuair View Post
            Believe it or not, it was me suggesting to crew to replace the fb header pic with YOUR image (decision still pending). So while you let yourself demotivate by some lowlights, remember that every spotter, including you, has highlights, often unrewarded, sometimes lifted to the mainstage center podium. Enjoy shooting, and thanks for sharing your pics here!
            Thanks for saying that, despide not being a huge fan of the MD-11, that photo is a masterpiece, I'm glad my shot is, in certain way, comparable to that one.


            • #7
              Frankly I don't understand. Why would anyone be mad at you? There are over 27,000 registered uploaders and just under 30 screeners. Do you seriously think they have you in their sights? It happens to everyone that we receive refusals that we consider unjustified. We discuss it, the forum exists for this, but in the end we have a beer and friends like before. We must not see conspiracies everywhere, otherwise it is no longer a passion and fun, it becomes a gnawing at the liver.

