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Immediately effective: Elite Queue

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  • #91
    Originally posted by TC-ALP View Post
    not for annoying replies...
    Oh, yes, okay. This is indeed one.


    • #92
      My two cents: the only way to keep queue and waiting time low is an "acceptance ratio/number of slot available" upload system.

      Could we give to this system a try?


      • #93
        There has been a total of 28,409​ photographers upload to JP. Lets just say that everyone uploaded 20 photos that would be 568180 photos in the que. When I was a screener (I didn't get paid) we had to screen a total of 1000 images a month, which means 40 screeners in the team that is 40,000 photos every 30/31 days. Just remember this is a FREE website to upload your photos too. There are standards, and they are kept reasonably well. Even screeners get rejections just so you know, no one is perfect.


        • #94
          I am very disappointed. The queue has returned to scary levels and this measure has had no effect whatsoever.


          • #95
            Originally posted by mahagonny View Post
            I am very disappointed. The queue has returned to scary levels and this measure has had no effect whatsoever.
            Maybe a significant part (a half ?) of the queue comes from one only country...


            • #96
              Originally posted by mahagonny View Post
              I am very disappointed. The queue has returned to scary levels and this measure has had no effect whatsoever.
              I honestly don't understand the frustration with the queue lenght. Why does it matter if I have to wait1 or 2 or even 3 weeks until the photo appears?

              bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
              Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​


              • #97
                Originally posted by bstolle View Post
                I honestly don't understand the frustration with the queue lenght. Why does it matter if I have to wait1 or 2 or even 3 weeks until the photo appears?

                I agree with you on this. in the current world where "instant gratification" is demanded as the norm, I think this is what drives the comments regarding the current length of the queue. There are how many active photographers on JP? How many of those are actually complaining about the current queue length? Adding more screeners is not the solution, there are standards to maintain for images, and screening is subjective. Imagine the comments if 20 more screeners were added, but their views on images different slightly, but within the guidelines.

                My current backlog of uploads is currently running at around 145 images (still waiting to upload) and I shoot at least once a week, so that backlog grows. However, if they take 2 or 3 weeks to get screened, then that is what it takes. Screeners do this on their own time for no compensation, so I am happy when they can and do provide their time (and I am a former Elite member).
                Last edited by MarkLawrence; 2024-12-17, 12:44.


                • #98
                  My current backlog of uploads is currently running at around 4000 (four thousand) photos in quality acceptable by JetPhotos, edited, ready for upload, only unique registrations without repetitions.
                  I don't have to go to any airports, air shows etc. or spend more time with a graphic editor to keep screeners busy for the next 9 years at the current acceptance rate (maximum 420-440 photos per year at about 90% acceptance ratio with a standard 20-item queue)


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by bstolle View Post
                    I honestly don't understand the frustration with the queue lenght. Why does it matter if I have to wait1 or 2 or even 3 weeks until the photo appears?

                    I am not frustrated by the waiting time, after all I have always maintained that this entertainment does not need to be rushed. I only note that the measure has had no effect on the queue other than the regrets of those who have been "penalized" in the available slots. I reiterate that a sort of prescreening entrusted to expert users who are not screeners is a solution to consider.


                    • Originally posted by mahagonny View Post
                      I only note that the measure has had no effect on the queue other than the regrets of those who have been "penalized" in the available slots.

                      ...a solution to consider.
                      Previously the queue was around 34000 and now it's approx 24000 which looks like an improvement to me.

                      If the queue is not even a problem for you, what for do you need a solution?
                      bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
                      Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​


                      • Originally posted by bstolle View Post
                        Previously the queue was around 34000 and now it's approx 24000 which looks like an improvement to me.

                        If the queue is not even a problem for you, what for do you need a solution?
                        honestly I don't remember in my years on JP a queue of 34,000. It's not my problem, that's for sure, but it certainly is for the screeners forced to a super commitment, without any remuneration, in a completely voluntary way. Maybe making their task easier and, consequently, easier for all of us uploaders, could be right.


                        • One question, does the slots limitation apply to everyone?


                          • Originally posted by medo View Post
                            One question, does the slots limitation apply to everyone?
                            Do you mean the limit of 20? All non-crew have 20 slots now, yes.


                            • I'm curious as to the medium-long term plan for JP - and I assume there is one. If it it the case that is short of programmers or funding, would it not be an option to seek investment, or develop other revenue streams. AI is developing so fast now that I suspect it will only be a matter of time - if it's not possible already - for a programme to be developed which will allow photos to be screened by AI, thus dramatically reducing queue times (potentially altogether) and with it, the need for queue limits.

                              If it is the case that JP lacks the funds for investment, why not start down that road? Would it be possible - if screeners are aware of it - to tell us a little about the long term plan or goals for this site? Many of us have been here for a long time (twenty years in my case), and there is a very strong loyalty and interest in the site's future and how it evolves. There is huge potential for it, I think; a whole new generation of younger spotters will be coming along; many of the younger spotters are far more techie than old fogeys like me (!) and while the 20 queue limit is an understandable (though highly irritating) limitation now, it can't be a long term solution. There is a lot of technological potential out there that can help improve this site and I'm just saying that if wants to go down that road (and it should want to), I'm sure we, its photographers, would be more than happy to help it. We all want to see this site flourish. Standing still (and I'm sure that's not the intention) is not going to do it.


                              • Hi,
                                For now there’s not many people in the crew believing AI could do a fine job when it comes to screening. But we might be wrong, wait and see.

                                Our goal remains to get, asap, a slot per acceptance ratio system which we believe would be the best choice to have the queue in control.

                                For the more immediate emergency, we are going to migrate the forum to a new platform which should solve many issues we have with our current one.

                                Also in the short term, we might have to hire a few screeners as we had a few departure that we didn’t fill lately. Keep an eye on the forum about it.

                                Thank you all for the positive messages and ideas


