Recently I submitted five photos to the queue to be screened. At around place ~16k in the queue I got an email telling me all the photos have been rejected for quote "low quality", and "not meeting our criteria". For two photos this was understandable, the angle and lighting conditions weren't quite right. However, the other three seem of good quality and to me look like they do meet the criteria. I did not get any hint to what I did wrong in these images and would like feedback on them to know how I can adjust them in order for them to meet the criteria, or avoid such mistakes in the future. The mail they sent does not help me to improve my photos or give any concrete reason as to why they have been rejected by the screening team.
Below are three of the five images I submitted which I think should match the criteria. What have I done wrong?
Below are three of the five images I submitted which I think should match the criteria. What have I done wrong?