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Help with Night pics.

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  • Help with Night pics.

    On August 13 I am taking SY398 from SFO-MSP. It departs at 11:50pm local time and arrives at 5:15am local time.

    And when I come back on August 22 on SY397 MSP-SFO departs 8:45pm and arrives at 10:45pm

    I wont see daylight durring this trip, and I was wondering how to take night pics while in the terminal. They have never worked for me but I have seen beautiful night pics from skilled spotters on a bit of sucking up) and was wondering if anyone could help me out. The Pics would be taken from the terminal so I think there will be lights on the ramp.

    My Camera is a Cannon EOS Rebel TI(film not digital) but my flash is the defualt flash that came on the camera, so it isnt very good . I cant find the thingy on the camera that lets u adjust the shutter speed...but mabey someone else out here has that camera.

    Any help would be great!!!!


    How does an airline thats going bankrupt sign new regional carriers, launch a discount airline, purchase new planes, AND repaint their fleet? I dunno, ask United.

    Fly1346 wrote: we have a SXM rite here at LGA!!! All you got to do is add the topless chicks

    My Pics on

  • #2
    tripod - is what you need


    • #3

      What...whats that?! I

      m clueless

      How does an airline thats going bankrupt sign new regional carriers, launch a discount airline, purchase new planes, AND repaint their fleet? I dunno, ask United.

      Fly1346 wrote: we have a SXM rite here at LGA!!! All you got to do is add the topless chicks

      My Pics on


      • #4
        Yeah sorry - stupid mistake. :P


        • #5
          ooooooo ok TRI-POD . I was like TREEPOD, WTF

          But how will that make better night pics?

          How does an airline thats going bankrupt sign new regional carriers, launch a discount airline, purchase new planes, AND repaint their fleet? I dunno, ask United.

          Fly1346 wrote: we have a SXM rite here at LGA!!! All you got to do is add the topless chicks

          My Pics on


          • #6
            Don't use the flash-it will bounce off the windows and ruin your shots. A tripod is the most essential thing you need, attatch your cam to the tripod to keep it still because you need long exposures to get any decent results.

            Switch the camera into Av mode to select the aperture using the dial next to the shutter, then switch it into M mode and do the same thing to select the shutter speed.

            I would advise using F11 as that will give you a good depth of field and sharp images-the shutter speed will depend on the circumstances of the picture but i would start at 10 seconds and see what reading you get from the exposure metering visible through the viewfinder and then adjust accordingly.

            The self timer is also useful for avoiding camera shake.

            My gallery of transport and travel pictures.

            Click Here to view my photos at RailPictures.Net!


            • #7
              A mini-tripod is also good (plus it fits in the camera bag), as well as a jacket or shirt to put over the camera to eliminate reflection on the glass of the inside lights. A remote switch is a great help too.

              This was taken using the mini-tripod, jacket and remote switch combination:


              Yes, it is a DSLR, but the principal is the same.


              • #8
                If you have a short enough lens, I found in San Diego the ledges of the window frames were sufficiently wide to brace the camera against the glass and make up to 10-12 second exposures. Like Matt said, stop down on the aperture to get nice dof. The majority of my night shots are sans cable release, sans tripod...I just press the shutter myself and don't shake...



                • #9
                  Ok, thnx guys. I'll just buy a mini tripod b4 i take my flight. And thanks matt for giving me the shutter speeds to use, wasnt sure.

                  How does an airline thats going bankrupt sign new regional carriers, launch a discount airline, purchase new planes, AND repaint their fleet? I dunno, ask United.

                  Fly1346 wrote: we have a SXM rite here at LGA!!! All you got to do is add the topless chicks

                  My Pics on


                  • #10
                    hey wait....umm i just dont get what F11 is and what shutter speed do i set it on? Sorry for being such a duma$$

                    How does an airline thats going bankrupt sign new regional carriers, launch a discount airline, purchase new planes, AND repaint their fleet? I dunno, ask United.

                    Fly1346 wrote: we have a SXM rite here at LGA!!! All you got to do is add the topless chicks

                    My Pics on


                    • #11
                      F11 is the aperture number. Follow what egll said. When setting the aperture, keep going until you see 'F11' or '11' in the screen/viewfiner (sorry i dont know your camera but same principal applies). When you've done that, go to shutter speed and keep changing it until it is not overexposed [+] nor underexposed [-].

                      Either that or use an Aperture Mode priority if the camera has it. Set the Aperture and appropriate shutter speed will be chosen automatically when you auto focus the image.


                      • #12
                        Thanks! Now i get it! lol.

                        Last thing, How does putting a jacket on the camera reduce reflection?... And do i just put it ontop of it?

                        How does an airline thats going bankrupt sign new regional carriers, launch a discount airline, purchase new planes, AND repaint their fleet? I dunno, ask United.

                        Fly1346 wrote: we have a SXM rite here at LGA!!! All you got to do is add the topless chicks

                        My Pics on


                        • #13
                          The jacket stops the light from inside the terminal bouncing off the tinted windows, which is the cause of reflection. Just have a think about what most people do when they look out a tinted window at night....they put their hands either side of their head to cut out the reflections...

                          As for placement, just put it so that it's shadow cuts out all the reflections in the cameras field of view. Just make sure you keep the jacket (or shirt, whatever) out of the field of view. This technique can also be useful for reducing reflections when taking photos through aircraft windows. Just a word of warning though, if you use this technique in an aircraft during the day, you need to use a dark coloured cover.



                          • #14
                            thnx man, well its D-day, im leaving to the airport now and hopefully itll work.

                            How does an airline thats going bankrupt sign new regional carriers, launch a discount airline, purchase new planes, AND repaint their fleet? I dunno, ask United.

                            Fly1346 wrote: we have a SXM rite here at LGA!!! All you got to do is add the topless chicks

                            My Pics on

