Hey gang, A lot of people (Mike Costigliola, Scott Kiel, few more) think i'm weird for turning my camera away from the planes and taking pictures of other things. I do this because, It's when I get home and look at the pictures, It's these pics that I treasure most!
I want to share about 20 photos that will kind of show those of you who didn't make it and those of you looking forward to the next meet up what kind of experience it was for us!
Welcome to Los Angeles International Airport!

I got to LAX the evening of July 20th and Kevin and the gang met me at baggage claim. I got my bag and went back to the room with them and went to bed. The next day, we went to the hill early around 9am. Here are some shots from the Hill:

Greg had a hard time keeping his camera out of my face...

Greg's Father, probably to coolest dad out there. He drove us around this day after Jurgens Father, Hans left back to AMS. Thanks Mr. Dewey!

Reggies! Yahoo! :P

Kev aka Harry Potter. Taken with one of those pimp little F1.8 50mm primes at F1.8
That afternoon we went to the IN N OUT. No Photos
Next day we went to Mojave MHV. We saw some planes parking in the desert! Pictures:

We got driven around the airport in a Ford Van. We had to shoot from the van, but that didnt stop us from opening the doors and shooting away. Here is Dan... i mean Dale :P putting his camera to work!

It was blazing out in the desert! We were all kinda hyper after the tour of the airfield and started randomly shooting eachother in the parking lot!
We drove back to LAX (bout an hour) but it took us probably 2 hours with traffic! But James Rowson was an awesome sport and did an awesome job driving in the LA traffic!
Once we got back to LAX, the weather had closed in and overcast ruled the skies. Ralph Duenas (Spartan30) was in town and so I gave him a ring and he came out with his 300D and Bigma50-500.

Ralph, thanks so much for coming out and joining us at the Proud bird! Made the Meet-Up really a meet-up! More the merrier
After some worthless spotting and shooting this one girl who was walkin her dog, we went to the Proud Bird. Jurgen and Kevin had their camera's along, hopefully they can add the group picture to the post when they get the chance
That evening back at the hotel room:

Jurgen busted out his tripod and so we all took turns taking night shots of the planes flying by the hotel room! Way to go Kevin!

James was exhausted and spent the evening editing photos. Jurgen just kinda passed out :P and Dale watched Conan O'Brien along with me and Kevin.
Wasnt too long till Dale had to expell some energy and do like everyone does at a Hotel when no one is looking.. Jump on the Bed!

The next day the Brits went home
So, we slept in and spent most of the day in the hotel room, just waiting around for 5pm. We shot out of the balcony. Lots was to be seen out of the balcony other than Planes:

Why a Squirrel you ask? Well, the brits nearly sh*t a brick when they saw it. Apparently Brits seeing squirrels is like americans seeing lions. Kinda rare.

Holiday Inn employs a dedicated caring staff. Here you can see on of the doormen out back behind the hotel playing around on the dolly.
Jurgen and Dale went off to the Internet Cafe to do the internet thing for a little:

Hehe.. I swear I wasnt using the 50-500 for this shot Jurgen
Across the way there were some kids playing backyard-baseball. So, naturally I decided to try out some action shots!:

YOu know thats gonna be a homer!

Going to Right Field! (Aka Garage!)
Just cause I Always do this:

COPS! Meh.. they were cool. Never talked to me once
Then it was time for them to go. We went down to the Lobby and waited for the Airport Shuttle:

Love the socks Dale

Flight Details of Kevin, James, and Dale's flight home.

"I got a passport! I got a passport!"
Then.. as quickly as I had met them .. they were gone
... Jurgen and I went back to the room and wallowed away in our tears and pain of them leaving. Chris Kilroy would be arriving at 10pm so we hung out till he arrived.
Candler684: The next day Chris Jurgen and I went to the HIll and took pictures. No PIctures for the forum.
That evening Chris and I went to In and OUt and took pictures. It was cool cause we got to meet Ken Cheung, a Jetphotos.net and Airliners.net photographer! Natrually, I couldnt say bye without getting my picture with him

Was nice meeting you Ken! For all ya'll, be sure to check out Ken's work. He's pretty good!
LAX-IN n OUt has a local boy. We saw him nearly everytime we were out there! He was a cool guy! Here he is!

Suprising enough.. he was pretty good at aircraft rec!.. kinda like Mikecweb! :P
Next day, Chrisk, Greg and Myself spent the afternoon at the In-N Out! Photos:
The In-N-OUt!

Greg was very hyper upon meeting the God of Jetphotos.net! :P and started doing all these odd poses.

We spent most of the afternoon just sitting in the grass... enjoying the traffic. (as seen on the glasses of Chris Kilroy! :P)

We had lunch and dinner at the In-N-Out. Greg ordering at the famous LAX In-N-Out!
We then drove greg to the train station.. which I will not elaborate on certain reasons
Chris and I continued on through the desert to Las Vegas and I went home on Tuesday the 27th of July!
It was an awesome trip! I hope that these pictures have inspired some people (SCOTT KIEL) to look into coming to the next meet up! The next one will surely be a blast as was this one!
One final picture:
The entire gang (Minus greg, ralph and chris) at MHV!

Left to Right: Adam Wright (DeltaASA16) Jurgen (Spotter), James Rowson (B7772ADL), Kevin Cadd (KaddyUK), and Dale Coleman (EGCC)!
Thanks so much guys for the trip! I had an amazing time! So glad I could experience LAX for the first time with you and Meet with you guys at LAX!
Hope you enjoyed the photos and maybe inspires you (SCOTT KIEL
) to make plans to be at the next international jetphotos.net get together!
Any and all comments and questions are welcome
I want to share about 20 photos that will kind of show those of you who didn't make it and those of you looking forward to the next meet up what kind of experience it was for us!
Welcome to Los Angeles International Airport!

I got to LAX the evening of July 20th and Kevin and the gang met me at baggage claim. I got my bag and went back to the room with them and went to bed. The next day, we went to the hill early around 9am. Here are some shots from the Hill:

Greg had a hard time keeping his camera out of my face...

Greg's Father, probably to coolest dad out there. He drove us around this day after Jurgens Father, Hans left back to AMS. Thanks Mr. Dewey!

Reggies! Yahoo! :P

Kev aka Harry Potter. Taken with one of those pimp little F1.8 50mm primes at F1.8
That afternoon we went to the IN N OUT. No Photos

Next day we went to Mojave MHV. We saw some planes parking in the desert! Pictures:

We got driven around the airport in a Ford Van. We had to shoot from the van, but that didnt stop us from opening the doors and shooting away. Here is Dan... i mean Dale :P putting his camera to work!

It was blazing out in the desert! We were all kinda hyper after the tour of the airfield and started randomly shooting eachother in the parking lot!

We drove back to LAX (bout an hour) but it took us probably 2 hours with traffic! But James Rowson was an awesome sport and did an awesome job driving in the LA traffic!

Once we got back to LAX, the weather had closed in and overcast ruled the skies. Ralph Duenas (Spartan30) was in town and so I gave him a ring and he came out with his 300D and Bigma50-500.

Ralph, thanks so much for coming out and joining us at the Proud bird! Made the Meet-Up really a meet-up! More the merrier

After some worthless spotting and shooting this one girl who was walkin her dog, we went to the Proud Bird. Jurgen and Kevin had their camera's along, hopefully they can add the group picture to the post when they get the chance

That evening back at the hotel room:

Jurgen busted out his tripod and so we all took turns taking night shots of the planes flying by the hotel room! Way to go Kevin!

James was exhausted and spent the evening editing photos. Jurgen just kinda passed out :P and Dale watched Conan O'Brien along with me and Kevin.
Wasnt too long till Dale had to expell some energy and do like everyone does at a Hotel when no one is looking.. Jump on the Bed!


The next day the Brits went home

Why a Squirrel you ask? Well, the brits nearly sh*t a brick when they saw it. Apparently Brits seeing squirrels is like americans seeing lions. Kinda rare.

Holiday Inn employs a dedicated caring staff. Here you can see on of the doormen out back behind the hotel playing around on the dolly.

Jurgen and Dale went off to the Internet Cafe to do the internet thing for a little:

Hehe.. I swear I wasnt using the 50-500 for this shot Jurgen

Across the way there were some kids playing backyard-baseball. So, naturally I decided to try out some action shots!:

YOu know thats gonna be a homer!

Going to Right Field! (Aka Garage!)
Just cause I Always do this:

COPS! Meh.. they were cool. Never talked to me once

Then it was time for them to go. We went down to the Lobby and waited for the Airport Shuttle:

Love the socks Dale

Flight Details of Kevin, James, and Dale's flight home.

"I got a passport! I got a passport!"

Then.. as quickly as I had met them .. they were gone

Candler684: The next day Chris Jurgen and I went to the HIll and took pictures. No PIctures for the forum.
That evening Chris and I went to In and OUt and took pictures. It was cool cause we got to meet Ken Cheung, a Jetphotos.net and Airliners.net photographer! Natrually, I couldnt say bye without getting my picture with him

Was nice meeting you Ken! For all ya'll, be sure to check out Ken's work. He's pretty good!

LAX-IN n OUt has a local boy. We saw him nearly everytime we were out there! He was a cool guy! Here he is!

Suprising enough.. he was pretty good at aircraft rec!.. kinda like Mikecweb! :P
Next day, Chrisk, Greg and Myself spent the afternoon at the In-N Out! Photos:
The In-N-OUt!

Greg was very hyper upon meeting the God of Jetphotos.net! :P and started doing all these odd poses.

We spent most of the afternoon just sitting in the grass... enjoying the traffic. (as seen on the glasses of Chris Kilroy! :P)

We had lunch and dinner at the In-N-Out. Greg ordering at the famous LAX In-N-Out!
We then drove greg to the train station.. which I will not elaborate on certain reasons

Chris and I continued on through the desert to Las Vegas and I went home on Tuesday the 27th of July!
It was an awesome trip! I hope that these pictures have inspired some people (SCOTT KIEL) to look into coming to the next meet up! The next one will surely be a blast as was this one!
One final picture:
The entire gang (Minus greg, ralph and chris) at MHV!

Left to Right: Adam Wright (DeltaASA16) Jurgen (Spotter), James Rowson (B7772ADL), Kevin Cadd (KaddyUK), and Dale Coleman (EGCC)!
Thanks so much guys for the trip! I had an amazing time! So glad I could experience LAX for the first time with you and Meet with you guys at LAX!
Hope you enjoyed the photos and maybe inspires you (SCOTT KIEL

Any and all comments and questions are welcome
