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Contrail Shots

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  • Contrail Shots

    I'm going to have a go at taking some contrail shots from my garden when the weather improves (I haven't seen a clear sky in weeks, always cloudy!). I was just wondering what size lenses others have used to achieve them? I have a 315mm lens, do you think this will be enough to get decent images of aircraft at 30,000ft + ? I live under the flight path for aircraft heading north over England to Scotland before turning west heading for America so get to see lots of aircraft and contrails. 747's would probably be the best one's to aim for because of their biggger size. Any comments would be appreciated.


    Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!

  • #2
    I've seen good contrail shots from ppl w/ 300mm lenses...


    • #3
      Manul focus is always a good idea for contrail shots. The AF seems to have some trouble sometimes....


      • #4
        Do you have a high end DSLR? If so you can crop the photo down to make the aircraft seem larger in the photo. It also depends how cold it is, as aircraft on lower tracks will not form trials if its a hot day usualy. Wheras on cold days you can get trails at around FL290+


        • #5
          A contrail shot that i've admired for quite some time now:


          Very nice (and lucky:P ) Dan!


          • #6


            Both of those were shot at 300mm using a Canon 300D.


            • #7
              As Dan mentioned the atmospheric conditions dictate the strength of the contrails. Cold with a degree of humidity can lead to contrails forming before the tail:
              In this shot it was approximately ISA -9 so even the outflow valve is leaving a small vapour trail.

              This aircraft is maintaining 37,000' over central Queensland, so the lack of humidity means no contrails (damnit, as what could have been an awesome shot just looks like a bad after takeoff shot )



              • #8
                Now this is a good contrail shot:

                Will F.
                Photos: JetPhotos.Net | | General Photography


                • #9
                  Thanks for all your advice, some of those shots are great. If I can achieve anything close to those, I'll be chuffed! There was a break in the clouds for a few moments this afternoon so I attempted my first contrail shot. What do you think? It looks like a British Airways 747-400 to me.

                  Unfortunately, I don't have a hight end DSLR, wish I had! I have a Fuji Finepix S7000 with the extra telephoto lens attachment fitted which gives me the 315mm zoom range. I'll keep trying, hopefully I'll find some more lower level aircraft with contrails.

                  Thanks again,

                  Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                  • #10
                    I gotta be honest, most contrail shots from the ground just dont do anything for me unless you can see some detail. Now contrail shots like these are a completely different story:




