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Image Size.

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  • Image Size.

    I know its been discussed before in other threads but what is the difinitive size for uploads.

    I used to be a 1024 X 768 guy no matter what.
    Bout now I'm going at 1024 X 683 because it appears to fit plane pictures better...less dead space...

    so what do you guys think??
    Try to catch me flyin dirty...

  • #2
    I usually use 1024 x 680.
    Will F.
    Photos: JetPhotos.Net | | General Photography


    • #3
      The aspect ratio on a DSLR is 3:2 (1024x683) while on a P&S its 4:3 (1024x76... however once you crop it becomes all different anyways...


      • #4
        Personally I don't have a set standard- it will be 1024 x XXX or somewhere between 1024 and 1600 x XXXX.
        I crop my photos so most of the time they wind up a non-standard size.
        George R. Widener
        Oshkosh, WI USA
        Aircraft Photos Here
        Railroad Pictures Here


        • #5
          I like the 10x8 aspect ratio, which usualy leaves me with 1280x1024. Since I can't upload that size here, I send those over to airliners, and the ones that come here are resized down to 1024x819.


          • #6
            Either 1024 by 683/682, 1024 by 766 or 1024 by 768. Using teh aspect crop ratio on me program. Sometimes i crop manually though.
            Sam Rudge
            A 5D3, some Canon lenses, the Sigma L and a flash


            • #7
              Personally, I like to have a full screen when displaying photo's rather than a black line at the top or bottom of the screen. For this reason, I tend to crop them to 1024x756 then when the copyright bar is added to the bottom of the photo's (hopefully when they are accepted!) they fill the screen when displayed.

              Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


              • #8
                I requested a bigger image size for a certain shot i had ages ago, my request was accepted and i sent in the image, which was accepted also. I thought after that my limit would go back to 1024 wide, but i am still allowed images upto 1600 wide, i am not complaining but it does come in handy


                • #9


