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Post Your Photo Milestones here.
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Finally hit the 1000 views per photo mark.
Gerardo Dominguez currently has 3,863 photos in the database. The photos have been viewed a total of 3,863,062 times, for an average of 1,000.02 views per photo.
One year since my first shot was accepted here....
Thanks for all the help I've recieved from members here and a hi all the great people I've met around the runways of Europe. Congrats to Gerardo too, that's a fantastic average, I'm way short of that
Jerry Chen currently has 44 photos in the database. The photos have been viewed a total of 43,966 times, for an average of 999.23 views per photo.
JayceRemember on your hardest days, that the airplanes always take off against the wind... afterwards, the skies are all yours.
Jerry Chen currently has 44 photos in the database. The photos have been viewed a total of 44,029 times, for an average of 1,000.66 views per photo.But congratulations, I'm sure that your photos are great!
Also, Rene, congratulations on your anniversary.Remember on your hardest days, that the airplanes always take off against the wind... afterwards, the skies are all yours.
Originally posted by coke View PostJerry Chen currently has 44 photos in the database. The photos have been viewed a total of 44,029 times, for an average of 1,000.66 views per photo.But congratulations, I'm sure that your photos are great!
Gerardo Dominguez currently has 3,863 photos in the database. The photos have been viewed a total of 3,883,340 times, for an average of 1,005.27 views per photo.
Over the past year, I haven't had a chance to do much spotting as my wife gave birth to our first baby boy. So in this time, the very little time I got for spotting, I tried to make the most of it by trying different angles, techniques, going out in bad weather etc.
Over the past 6 months, I have been fortunate enough that the screeners have recognized my work by giving me 5 Screener's choice nominations and my peers have given me 2 People's choice nominations.
Thanks to the screeners and my fellow spotters for the recognition. It means a lot to me.
best regards,
Congratulations to everyone who hits a personal milestone, however large or small.
For myself ?....
Brian Whitelegg currently has 3,822 photos in the database. The photos have been viewed a total of 2,506,319 times.If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !
I'm so happy, my 1000th picture here was just accepted!It takes 3 years and 3 months to get this score. This is very satisfying work
Best regards to everyone