Originally posted by pdeboer
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Post Your Photo Milestones here.
This is a sticky topic.
Well hadn't even noticed but this last week I just hit the 3,000,000 views milestone.
Thank you to everybody who has found my photos interesting enough to open.Garry Lewis
Air Team Images - www.airteamimages.com
Air Traffic Controller - Toronto ACC (West Low)
Just noticed i have jumped across the 7.000.000 hits mark.
Thanks for looking at my photos.
Six years uploading....just over three million views averaging 707 views per pic.
Doesn't time fly ?!!
Photo Stats: Brian Whitelegg
Brian Whitelegg currently has 4,245 photos in the database. The photos have been viewed a total of 3,003,296 times, for an average of 707.49 views per photo.
Of those photos:
· 1 has been selected as a Screener's Choice photo.If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !
A big thumbs up for Jeroen Stroes with his 10,000th picture on JP
my<b><em>10.000th </em></b>accepted picture online at Jetphotos. Some other facts at the moment of acceptance of this picture at this website: 8598th DC10-30 picture, 70891th picture online from EGCC, the 288052th picture from the United Kingdom, the 6095th of Monarch, and the 21012th cockpit photo.. G-DMCA. McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!
Thanks Jeroen))
Just broke 100 the other day with this one:http://www.jetphotos.net/viewphoto.p...7395069&nseq=3
Big thanks to the screener who has accepted my bribesLast edited by Fredda9000; 2012-07-08, 11:36.
7,000 !
Dear friends,
After almost 10 years of spotting, this is my 7,000th photo on the JP.net database !
Cheers !
Thanks to all of you.
Best regards,
Erez.Last edited by Guest; 2012-07-17, 16:32.