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Night Shot Advice

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  • Night Shot Advice

    Hi can anyone give me some advice on long exposure night shots a have taken one before which can be found here


    but it didnt turn out as well as i would have liked it to. Is there any pointers anyone can give me.
    Last edited by AJ; 2006-08-05, 03:13. Reason: Photo link

  • #2
    That's a pretty crackin night shot there, other than a slight adjust in color I don't see any other way to improve upon that.

    Maybe a longer exposure???

    "Sorry Goose, but it's time to buzz the tower!"


    • #3
      Yep doesn't look that bad, maybe just experiement with contrast & colour


      • #4
        I think this pic will be better if you make it a litle of overexpose
        Shutter 1/30s, ISO 400, f8


        • #5
          1/30 of a second would be way too fast, and iso 400 doesn't need to be used. The shot is fine, just more work in the post-processing.
          Tanner Johnson - Owner
          twenty53 Photography


          • #6
            I have another 3 like it that i havnt edited yet my personal opinion of the photo was that the runway lighting is slightly overpowering the photo causing a slight yellow haze over the photo is there a way i can correct this


            • #7
              It's a matter of trial and error really... shoot one, check the result, readjust and shoot again.

              Personally I use a remote control for shutter release, to help with the shake, but you don't seem to need that.

              Anyone ever managed to use a flash on a long exposure?


              • #8
                Originally posted by colinkeightley
                I have another 3 like it that i havnt edited yet my personal opinion of the photo was that the runway lighting is slightly overpowering the photo causing a slight yellow haze over the photo is there a way i can correct this
                All cameras will do that...It's all in the post processing. It will catch the light no matter where it is. Play with your levels, curves, shadows...
                Tanner Johnson - Owner
                twenty53 Photography


                • #9
                  I find I prefer to shoot right around 20-30 minutes after the sun has gone over the horizon:


                  Get a tripod, cable release, set your iso to the lowest setting, aperture around F11-F16 and then hold the shutter open as long as you want.


                  • #10
                    My camera is an EOS350D and has a maximum exposure of 30sec

                    I used on my photo 30 sec exp f-16 ISO100 and my sigma 50-500 at 191mm of course on a tripod.


                    • #11
                      Your canon should have a "Bulb" mode. Set it to that and the exposure mode to manual, then hold the shutter open as long as you want.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by colinkeightley
                        My camera is an EOS350D and has a maximum exposure of 30sec

                        I used on my photo 30 sec exp f-16 ISO100 and my sigma 50-500 at 191mm of course on a tripod.
                        The 350D does have a Bulb setting where you hold the shutter open as long as you wish. Turn to full manual and it's the setting past 30".
                        Tanner Johnson - Owner
                        twenty53 Photography


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tanner_J
                          1/30 of a second would be way too fast, and iso 400 doesn't need to be used. The shot is fine, just more work in the post-processing.
                          Omg sorry about that, 30s not 1/30s
                          My mistake


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by haliday
                            Omg sorry about that, 30s not 1/30s
                            My mistake
                            1/30, 30, 40 it doesn't matter, you can shoot it as long as you want by using bulb.

