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Erasing dust spots with Photoshop

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  • Erasing dust spots with Photoshop

    Hello at all,

    since a couple of weeks I´ve been bothered by erasing dust spots on my aviation photos.

    Untill now I always use the Magic Wand tool to select the sky of the photo. Then I select Auto Levels to see where the dust spots are. On my pics are often many of them therefore I´ll let my sensor cleaned in by a profesionell shop in the next days .

    After searching for dust spots on the pic by Auto Levels the spots need to be removed by a tool. In this case I mostly use the Healing Brush tool.
    I move my pointer next to the spot and press the Alt button down and press the left mouse button. That´s what I do with each dust spots and it´s bothering.... I alwasy switch between the pic without Auto Levels and with. I realy hate this...therefore I´m searching for an easier methode.

    During the last days I read many PDF-Files or workflows to find a solution. One thing is clear - I have to use layers.
    Because I own a german PhotoShop version, all descriptions how to let dust spots dissapear, is very difficult for me.
    I´m looking for a methode where I can use the Healing Brush tool on the pic with Auto Levels and on the other original pic are the changes also done...

    Hope my English is readable, but it´s very late....

    Thanks in advance,

    P.S.: Also German descriptions are very welcome, because they are much easier to read for me

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  • #2
    Nice tip, though it is a bit easier to see the dustspots if you "Equalize" the image instead of using "Auto Levels".


    • #3
      Thanks 72.
      I'm often use "Clone tool" of PS for dust spot problem


      • #4
        I'd suggest you just use the clone tool too, takes about 2 seconds per spot.

        Have it a bit bigger than the spot itself with 0% hardness. The only thing you need to do is pick the right spot to clone over it with.


        • #5
          I'd tend to disagree with you Hugh and infact use the Heal tool instead as it makes a much cleaner job all round and doesn't leaves the sometimes splotchy marks that the clone tool can leave in its wake. But as has been staed previously use Equalize to find the spots instead of auto levels
          Last edited by Will M; 2006-08-06, 06:27.


          • #6
            Ah yep, I only used the clone tool because the heal tool didn't work, but now I found out why, so now I can use the heal tool to edit out those stupid dust spots.


            • #7
              Actually I have my problems with Equalize due to my german PhotoShop Version.
              Here´s a screenshot of my photoshop version and I´d like to ask if I´m right when want to select Equalize?

              After choosing this button this new window opens and I don´t know what to do next...I hope I´m right


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              • #8
                The way I do it is make a new layer, equalize that layer, select the bottom layer which is normal and keep the layer that is equalized in view. When I'm done with my healing I delete the equalized layer and I'm good to go.

                Equalize is under Image - Adjustments; not filters.
                Tanner Johnson - Owner
                twenty53 Photography


                • #9
                  thx for replys.
                  but can someone give me a german word for "Equalize"?


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                  • #10
                    Use an online translator? Why'd you get the german version if you don't know german?
                    Tanner Johnson - Owner
                    twenty53 Photography


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tanner_J
                      Use an online translator? Why'd you get the german version if you don't know german?
                      Of course he knows German but terms in photoshop can not simply be translated, they often are very different.

                      hey Philipp,

                      'Equalize' is 'Tonwertangleichung' in the German Photoshop version.
                      It can be found under 'Bild' - 'Einstellungen'. I suggest you to use the method Tanner J. explained above. Fot further information I need to know what version of the program you own?
                      Last edited by philip; 2006-08-06, 22:43.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by philip
                        Of course he knows German but terms in photoshop can not simply be translated, they often are very different.

                        hey Philipp,

                        'Equalize' is 'Tonwertangleichung' in the German Photoshop version.
                        It can be found under 'Bild' - 'Einstellungen'. I suggest you to use the method Tanner J. explained above. Fot further information I need to know what version of the program you own?
                        Thanks philip,

                        I thought Tonwertangleichung would mean Auto Levels. So I was obviously wrong...but I always used this function...


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                        • #13
                          Originally posted by phtr88
                          Thanks philip,

                          I thought Tonwertangleichung would mean Auto Levels. So I was obviously wrong...but I always used this function...

                          Auto Levels is Auto-Tonwertkorrektur in German


                          • #14
                            Hi all, about which Photoshop version are we talking here.
                            I have CS 2.0.

                            I once and a while have dustspots as well but don't/didn't know how to remove them.



                            • #15
                              Instructions should work the same in pretty much all versions of Photoshop.
                              Tanner Johnson - Owner
                              twenty53 Photography

