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Dominican Republic photography...

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  • Dominican Republic photography...

    I'm off on hols' to the Dominican Republic in february and wondered if anyone has any advice on aviation photography out there. I'll be flying in and out of Puerto Plata and could do with advice on......

    a/ is it a good idea or am I likely to fall foul of security agencies ? and...

    b/ if it is ok, can anyone advise on photography locations ?

    Looking forward to some sunshine, it's a bitch of a job but someone has to do it.
    If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !

  • #2
    If you dont get your equipment nicked im sure you'll have fun.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BA747-436
      If you dont get your equipment nicked im sure you'll have fun.

      Also, another thing that might happen is it might be illegal to take photos of aircraft unless you give the cop $20


      • #4
        Try securing a ramp access, a bit too late now for February, but try anyway so that you could then negociate for something when on location by asking should your mail has been recieved and so on. If yes, odds on your side MAY substantially increase.
        On the other hand, be also set to freshen your commands in Spanish, so that you also show you made some efforts to single out from the english-speaking only Gringos !
        Thanks for visiting
        *Avimage's Monthly Slide list *


        • #5
          Got your stab proof vest


          • #6
            You know something ?.......I'm getting vibes here that taking a couple of thousand pounds worth of camera gear on this holiday is not going to be a good plan.
            I also took a look at the US State Dept. website which talks about foreigners looking overtly " touristy" putting themselves at risk outside of the recognised tourist areas.
            I think I'll stick with the good old Kodak DX minidigital, not shave for a fortnight, wear scruffy cutoffs and take pot luck.

            With my luck I'll then get arrested coming back into the UK !!
            If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


            • #7
              If you do take it then make sure you have it with you at all times. I've heard of a few stories of people being abroad and hotel employee's going in and helping them self to thousand's of pounds worth of equipment.


              • #8
                Don't let your worry about trouble keep you from getting good shots. I have my gear insured, so if it were to get stolen, I can replace it. I take my gear EVERYWHERE I travel. The insurance is only about $30 a year. Just be aware of your surroundings and be ready to smack someone with your tripod if they get too close for comfort.
                Follow me on Twitter!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by FlyingPhotog
                  Just be aware of your surroundings and be ready to smack someone with your tripod if they get too close for comfort.

                  LOL! I would PAY to see that! Brian wielding a huge tripod against a mob of angry Dominicans!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by chachu207
                    LOL! I would PAY to see that! Brian wielding a huge tripod against a mob of angry Dominicans!
                    Do Dominicans always walk around in angry mobs?
                    Follow me on Twitter!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by FlyingPhotog
                      Don't let your worry about trouble keep you from getting good shots. I have my gear insured, so if it were to get stolen, I can replace it. I take my gear EVERYWHERE I travel. The insurance is only about $30 a year. Just be aware of your surroundings and be ready to smack someone with your tripod if they get too close for comfort.
                      HAHAHA Personally knowing Paul here I can just laugh at the image of him holding his daughter and smacking any guy that comes up to him with his camera stuff hahaha.

                      Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


                      • #12
                        Hey just bring a Nikon, no one will want to nick that. You should be safe, although i cant vouch that your photos will be as good as from the Kodak


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ATrude777
                          HAHAHA Personally knowing Paul here I can just laugh at the image of him holding his daughter and smacking any guy that comes up to him with his camera stuff hahaha.

                          I'd have to put her down to give the thief a smack-down!

                          Follow me on Twitter!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BA747-436
                            Hey just bring a Nikon, no one will want to nick that. You should be safe, although i cant vouch that your photos will be as good as from the Kodak
                            Dan, that's very naughty of's a good job I made a New Year Resolution not to use bad language anymore.....

                            ......and not to buy a Canon either
                            If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by brianw999
                              Dan, that's very naughty of's a good job I made a New Year Resolution not to use bad language anymore.....

                              ......and not to buy a Canon either
                              I think any Canon user woulds rather give up photography than but a Nikon

