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Sigma 50-500 vs Nikon 80-400

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ollieholmes
    It is a lovely lens. The focus is very fast. I would not go any more than a 1.4x convertor personaly.
    Yeah but 280mm (200*1.4) isnt long enough for LAX but the 1.7 gives me 340mm, which is more useful.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Christobal65
      Yeah but 280mm (200*1.4) isnt long enough for LAX but the 1.7 gives me 340mm, which is more useful.
      I would have no idea about LAX living in the uk sorry. What body are you using? Dont forget the crop factor if it is not on a full frame body. I believe the only full frame Nikons are the D2xs. If you have a D2x go for the 80-400 as the focusing in the D2x is amasingly fast.
      If you are looking for something about the 300mm mark you cant go far wrong with either the 300 f2.8 prime but thats rather expensixe or the 300 f4. Both a superb lenses. Or if you realy like the f2.8 there is the Sigma model but again its alot of money.


      • #18
        D2X / D2Xs are not fullframe.


        • #19
          Originally posted by seahawk
          D2X / D2Xs are not fullframe.
          Thank you.


          • #20
            I am shooting with a Nikon D70 and an old style (metal frame push pull zoom) 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 AF, so i am used to the crop factor. In fact I dont shoot film or anything that doesnt crop so I normally just disregard the crop factor.

            The 75-300mm is a decent lens but the 70-200 f/2.8 even with a 1.7x or 2x will be by far sharper and faster.


            • #21
              Try the new 70-300 AF-S VR you could be very surprised.


              • #22
                The crop factors great untill you whant a wide angle shot. Then you need a full frame. I would not put a 2x on the 70-200 personaly, i did try but it was not great.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by seahawk
                  Try the new 70-300 AF-S VR you could be very surprised.
                  Its not quite long enough and not fast enough. I know the VR would help with the being too slow, but i want to also be able to shoot in really low light conditions, and the f/2.8 will allow me to do that. (I know it gets stopped down to ~5.6 with either the 1.7x or the 2x)


                  • #24
                    I was comparing it more to the 80-400 then to the 70-200 2.8. I also have a 80-200 2.8 for low light work.
                    Last edited by seahawk; 2007-01-09, 07:44.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by seahawk
                      I was comparing ot more to the 80-400 then to the 70-200 2.8. I also have a 80-200 2.8 for low light work.
                      Oh i thought you were talking to me


                      • #26
                        Well, slight change of plans in that instead of the D200, I got myself a D80. Nice piece of kit... as soon as the bank account recovers, the lens is next.

                        The f 2.8 is a nice idea, but VR is also nice as it gives killer panning shots in low light

                        But does VR work with a teleconverter?




                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MaltaAirSpotter
                          Well, slight change of plans in that instead of the D200, I got myself a D80. Nice piece of kit... as soon as the bank account recovers, the lens is next.

                          The f 2.8 is a nice idea, but VR is also nice as it gives killer panning shots in low light

                          But does VR work with a teleconverter?


                          I know what i would prefer to have, thats the f2.8. I believe the VR does work with Nikon tcs.


                          • #28
                            For a D80 the new AF-S 70-300 VR is really really a good starting lense with very little trade-off in performance, if any to the 80-400.

                            Test shot from the first day with the D200 (only day yet cause off the weather)


                            If you intend on spending big, then I would take the 70-200 2.8 VR + TC. If you should prefer 2.8 or VR, well that depends. For airshows I would always pick the 2.8 cause I life in an region of grey skies and bad weather, so shutter speed is life for me. If you do mostly airliners and live in sunny regions, VR becomes interesting for easy panning shots.
                            Last edited by seahawk; 2007-01-10, 20:40.


                            • #29
                              The VR function will work with the TC's as long as its one of the matched TC's so TC-14E II, TC-17E II, and TC-20E II. Those TC's are designed for the Nikon AF-S lenses and keeps all functionality (but stopped down)

