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Third party batteries?

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  • Third party batteries?

    Im lookin for some extra batteries for my Rebel XT, which are NB-2LH. They cost a little over 100cdn a pop, im lookin at something cheaper, maybe thrid party? Anyone recommend anything, have any experiences?

    Last edited by YYZPICS; 2007-01-04, 02:28. Reason: typo...

  • #2
    I purchased one of the third party batteries for my 300D from b&h. I believe the brand is CTA. It works without issues and charges on my canon charger just fine.

    I would assume you could expect similar results with the battery for the 350D


    • #3
      Don't forget that using third party batteries voids your warranty. If you're out of the warranty period, go ahead...


      • #4
        okay thanks Dan, theres something to think about, need to check out how long I have left on the warranty, thx


        • #5
          Use caution! I put in a no name battery for my Canon 300D. Soon after, the camera malfunctioned. I had to send it back to Canon, $200 later, the camera was fixed and returned. Did the no name battery cause the issue? I don't know, but I will never put another one in there to find out!


          • #6
            I have a 3rd party battery for my D50 since May 2006 and it's worked great so far. The D50's battery lasts a long time though so I rarely need it.


            • #7
              Thanks for the quick replies, I might just end up picking up a canon battery. They do last a hell of a long time, and dont wanna risk any of my equipment.


              • #8
                Hey Bud I got 2 optex and they work as good as my canon so far.



                • #9
                  There's a few on the 7dayshop which are quite cheap, although I think there made by the 7dayshop, but im not too sure. You can get to 350D batteries for £10 which is good considering what Canon charge!


                  • #10
                    I have about 4 no-name batteries, in fact, my best battery is a no name, 50% of the price of a Canon battery and lasting about twice as long.
                    My photos on Flickr


                    • #11
                      As far as warranty goes, there's little trick I tell customers who are worried about their printer warranty when they buy third-party cartridges, namely, keep a set of used original cartridges, preferrably in a ziplocked bag, in case something fails on their printer. In such a case, the original cartridges can be put in, and warranty is fine. That trick has already worked for a few customers. Now, I don't know whether you can take those batteries out and later put it back in again without problems, but perhaps it would be worth a try.


                      • #12
                        Yeha, i have a Canon and a 3rd party, if it needs servicing, just swap the Canon in, done.
                        Sam Rudge
                        A 5D3, some Canon lenses, the Sigma L and a flash


                        • #13
                          You can get em off ebay pretty cheap...Just email the seller asking, most of them are from China


                          • #14
                            Check this one


                            • #15
                              980 mAh

                              Originally posted by meneses24
                              That's a good find Andres.

                              ^^That's about 260 mAh more than the Canon NB-2LH - 720 mAh

                              I have seen a bigger capacity on a NB-2LH - 2500 mAh on the web for $ 35,- each. (Completely new batts for Canon)

                              Inactive from May 1 2009.

