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Screeners on Strike?

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  • #16
    Cricket ... isn't that the game, which can last the whole day? Or even more? And some here don't understand, why the queue is going up.
    My photos on Flickr


    • #17
      Can we cut the screeners some slack. It seems any time the que gets longer a thread pops up about it. The screeners are all volounters, christmas and new year was not long ago and depending where they live New year may be even more recant. People have family to see, freinds to see. They dont whant to spend every waking hour in front of the pc looking at other peoples photos. They proberaly whant to get out and take some photos themselves. Or even just a break from computers cameras and aeroplanes.

      And it gives you photographers who seem to shoot every day a chance to process your photos more. I may shoot one or 2 times a week and ive got a backlog back to January 2006. Im enjoying having some time to clear it. The only reason i can shoot that often is cuse i am unemployed right now.


      • #18
        I have photos from 2 years ago that I havent even processed yet.

        As long as my pics get accepted i dont really care how long it takes I really loved it though when the que was like 200 deep, photos screened in an hour instead of a couple days lol.

        Screeners keep up the good work and remember when you see my pics click accept


        • #19
          Originally posted by Christobal65
          Screeners keep up the good work and remember when you see my pics click accept
          Ok we'll get right on that


          • #20
            Originally posted by E-Diddy!
            Ok we'll get right on that
            HAHAHA Sweet...though I need to upload some for you to screen before you can accept them


            • #21
              Originally posted by Christobal65
              Screeners keep up the good work and remember when you see my pics click accept
              Sorry to disappoint you but bribery works better than flattery.


              • #22
                Originally posted by LX-A343
                Cricket ... isn't that the game, which can last the whole day? Or even more?
                5 days if certain teams can play well enough...which equals around 5 days of drinking to boot. i'm on holidays from next week so you'll be less another screener for 3.5 weeks!

                next trips
                USA/DXB August.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Greg
                  Sorry to disappoint you but bribery works better than flattery.
                  I was feeling charitable...wait the holidays are over...i wonder if he has any expensive automobiles...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Longreach747
                    5 days if certain teams can play well enough...which equals around 5 days of drinking to boot. i'm on holidays from next week so you'll be less another screener for 3.5 weeks!
                    Errrr, we were hit by injuries...we didnt have time to prepare properly...erm, the conditions were too harsh......your lot bowled with a rocket powered ball.....ok we were just crap and the better team won.


                    • #25
                      I haven't loaded any photos in about two weeks, but the last few times I did, they were screened in a matter of hours. Again, if all the screeners are volunteers, let's give them some slack. It can't be easy sorting through thosuands of photos, especially when not all are the best shots, I'm sure. I'm always pretty pleased with the fast pace on here for having photos approved.

                      This is a hobby for most concerned, after all!


                      • #26
                        very nice work catching up everyone!

