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So sad :(

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  • So sad :(

    I went to Santa Cruz, Half Moon bay and Foster city during the weekend and took lots of pics only to see "CF error" on the top display of my canon 30D camera when I turned it on.

    I come home and pop into the media drive and windows prompts me with a format drive message.

  • #2
    Don't format it. There's a thread somewhere on how to get your pictures back, gimme a few mins to try and find it.

    EDIT -


    • #3
      Still better than shooting an entirely new airport only to realize while snapping something totally unique to you that you left the CF card somewhere.

      Still kick myself for losing those shots of the LTU A330 @ RSW. grrr


      • #4
        That's why I have set my 20D that the shutter can't be released without CF Card. Saved me a spotting day last year
        My photos on Flickr


        • #5
          That is why I have 15 CF cards in my rucksack. And why I prefer using smaller cards and change them often during the day. Better use 4x1GB then 4GB in case of failure of a card.
          Last edited by seahawk; 2007-01-09, 14:29.


          • #6
            Originally posted by seahawk
            That is why I have 15 CF cards in my rucksack. And why I rpefer using smaller cards and chance them often during the day. better use 4x1GB then 4GB in case of failure of a card.

            I have the same thought process....


            • #7
              I got myself 2x1GB


              • #8
                Originally posted by LX-A343
                That's why I have set my 20D that the shutter can't be released without CF Card. Saved me a spotting day last year
                Same here with my Nikon. But since I almost always look at my shots after I take them it'd be pretty soon until I realized I wasn't taking anything.


                • #9
                  I washed a 1GB card the other week (was in my jeans pocket)....James not a happy boy

                  Weirdly it dried out and works fine, but i dont trust it anymore.

                  2GB Extreme III time me thinks


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by B7772ADL
                    2GB Extreme III time me thinks
                    Go for the Extreme IV. Twice the transfer rate of the III.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by twr75
                      Go for the Extreme IV. Twice the transfer rate of the III.
                      They are still pretty expensive and are only usefull if your camera does not have a huge high speed buffer.

                      For example my D200 can hold about 20 RAW images without writing a single byte to the CF card. So transfer rate doesn't matter that much anymore, at least for the D200.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by twr75
                        Go for the Extreme IV. Twice the transfer rate of the III.
                        I don't think you need a CF card that has a has a high speed transfer. It's only really good for Pap's who have to get there images sent off quickly.


                        • #13
                          You don't need a high speed transfer for aviation photography. No need to use a burst on aircraft.

                          Unless it's an airshow.
                          Tanner Johnson - Owner
                          twenty53 Photography


                          • #14
                            Same here. I still keep my camera on burst mode but normally I would take a succession of single shots, letting go of the shutter release in between shots to make the camera re-focus. It's insurance against inaccurate focus ... and it keeps the number of shutter cycles down.


                            • #15
                              Yeah, I never got why people would set burst mode to shoot normal aircraft ops. Especially when they take like 15 pics as the plane is coming towards them on approach. Then if something different does actually happen, your buffer is full, and you miss the shot you would have actually wanted because you took a bunch of crap that you are only gonna delete and will never have any use for.

                              And as far as getting back deleted pictures, I'm surprised so many people still don't know it can be done.

