Originally posted by Christobal65
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VR...I dont need no stinking VR (IS for you canon guys)
While checking the weather network the other day there was a trivia item on the highest (or I guess you could call it the lowest) ever recorded windchill in Canada.
The record was set in Pelly Bay, Nunavut in 1975 at a staggering -92 C. The air temperature without the windchill was a balmy -51 C.
Tonight in Toronto its a reasonable -16 with a -24 windchill, but I did have to chuckle about reading in the papers about my former home the UK. With a grand total of three quarters of an inch of snow, a rail company cancelled all of its train services and then a spokesman used the excuse of "extreme weather conditions" !
We don't even shovel our drives here with three quarters of an inch !! LOL
Anyway, plug time
Shot at 1/25 with my 100-400 and there is no way I could have got this one without IS.
GarryGarry Lewis
Air Team Images - www.airteamimages.com
Air Traffic Controller - Toronto ACC (West Low)