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    I was surfing on the net yesterday looking at the links to my pictures. I typed in my name and some reluts showd up. The I discoverd a link wich showd a huge amouth of my pictures including pictures from and and allso from many many other photographers .
    Now I noticed that on every site somwere under or on the top of the photo it allways says : Copryright by Alex Williams (me) - No use without permission or the author or someting like that. I dont mind that they put my pic on that site (because nearly all of them are watermarked) but in my opinion its not right because they didnt ask me for permission to put my pics there.
    My question is : Is it right what they did ? Should I be scared that my photo´s may be missused ?


    Best Regards

    Happy Spotting

    My pictures on Jetphotos
    My pictures on Airliners

    No matter what happens, I will allways support :

  • #2
    This site has popped up a few times. In my opinion, if there watermarked and have the copyright i.e; Alex Williams then it's ok. But that's just my opinion. I can't really see them being mis-used, but who knows!

    Originally posted by KLM Spotting Service
    I dont mind that they put my pic on that site (because nearly all of them are watermarked) but in my opinion its not right because they didnt ask me for permission to put my pics there.
    So you do mind?...


    • #3
      In my opinion, he's making money with his pay-services. To present his product, or to make his product more appealing, he's using photos of different websites. I for one asked him to not show any of my photos, which he implemented as such.

      But of course, one could argue, that it generates hits for you. Question is: what can you buy with those hits?
      My photos on Flickr


      • #4
        Well that site seems to have changed since last I was there.
        It will not allow me any access (cookie?)
        They do link to your photo but are charging € 38pa as a base membership up to € 1195pa for premium. My email is on the way.................
        Last edited by Greg Wilson; 2007-01-24, 16:29. Reason: spelling
        My contribution to JetPhotos


        • #5
          Sorry guys, never saw that he was charging for them


          • #6
            That´s new for me to . All our photo´s are protected by the international copyrightlaw and it´s agains this law to make money from things (in this case phtoographs) that other people made. Technecly speaking I see this as steeling
            Happy Spotting

            My pictures on Jetphotos
            My pictures on Airliners

            No matter what happens, I will allways support :


            • #7
              I'm not actually sure they DO charge for the pictures. The access to the DB is for the information contained therein which is of specific use to airlines and aviation orentated companies, hence the charges.

              And reading the "Menu" it appears that both Jetphotos AND are apprently partners to this site. Which makes the picture content logical and simply means that someone viewing our pictures can then contact the author in the usual manner requesting a copy. I couldn't find any reference to the site actually selling the pictures for their own profit.

              Personally, any exposure for my pictures is good as far as I am concerned and providing no one else is making money from them, and the copyright details are correct, then they can display as many as they wish.


