I was surfing on the net yesterday looking at the links to my pictures. I typed in my name and some reluts showd up. The I discoverd a link http://www.aerotransport.org wich showd a huge amouth of my pictures including pictures from www.ailiners.net and www.planepictures.net and allso from many many other photographers .
Now I noticed that on every site somwere under or on the top of the photo it allways says : Copryright by Alex Williams (me) - No use without permission or the author or someting like that. I dont mind that they put my pic on that site (because nearly all of them are watermarked) but in my opinion its not right because they didnt ask me for permission to put my pics there.
My question is : Is it right what they did ? Should I be scared that my photo´s may be missused ?
Best Regards
I was surfing on the net yesterday looking at the links to my pictures. I typed in my name and some reluts showd up. The I discoverd a link http://www.aerotransport.org wich showd a huge amouth of my pictures including pictures from www.ailiners.net and www.planepictures.net and allso from many many other photographers .
Now I noticed that on every site somwere under or on the top of the photo it allways says : Copryright by Alex Williams (me) - No use without permission or the author or someting like that. I dont mind that they put my pic on that site (because nearly all of them are watermarked) but in my opinion its not right because they didnt ask me for permission to put my pics there.
My question is : Is it right what they did ? Should I be scared that my photo´s may be missused ?
Best Regards