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LAX Advice?

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  • LAX Advice?

    I'll be at LAX February 6-7th. I have mapped a couple locations below. If I'm shooting around 2:00-5:00pm where do I want to be for the best light and aircraft movements?

    Are shots like this taken at sunrise or sunset?



    I'm staying at the Sheraton, is there a decent view from there?
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  • #2
    Hi Paul, I've stayed at the Sheraton on both my visits and it's a great hotel, but not really possible to photograph from. There's no balconies or anything and the windows are heavily tinted. I don't think they open either because I remember trying. You'd need a huge (probably 400-500mm) to shoot from there too. It's within walking distance of the In N Out though. But be sure to stay in the park there if you're not going to be with a group of spotters. I learned that the hard way.


    • #3
      Originally posted by JordanD
      Hi Paul, I've stayed at the Sheraton on both my visits and it's a great hotel, but not really possible to photograph from. There's no balconies or anything and the windows are heavily tinted. I don't think they open either because I remember trying. You'd need a huge (probably 400-500mm) to shoot from there too. It's within walking distance of the In N Out though. But be sure to stay in the park there if you're not going to be with a group of spotters. I learned that the hard way.
      I wasn't really planning to shoot from the Sheraton, I would just like a view of the airfield from my room, or at least see passing planes. What happened to you when spotting that was "the hard way"?
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      • #4
        Originally posted by FlyingPhotog
        I wasn't really planning to shoot from the Sheraton, I would just like a view of the airfield from my room, or at least see passing planes. What happened to you when spotting that was "the hard way"?
        Ah I see. Both times my room was on the north side of the hotel. The last time, I could see the traffic using 24L/R pretty good, the other time, my room was facing West and I could see stuff going off of the 25's, but not all that well. A south facing room should probably have a decent view of those, but I'm not sure.
        As for the remark about spotting on the sidewalk, I had an LAPD motorcycle cop come up, take my info, and lecture me about how "they don't want people taping planes because they dont want anyone matching up the registrations with the flight numbers. Then he told me taking pics of plane was wierd, before telling me I had to leave. I've never heard of anyone else getting hassled there so I probably just ran into the asshole cop on his bad day.


        • #5
          Originally posted by JordanD
          . I've never heard of anyone else getting hassled there so I probably just ran into the asshole cop on his bad day.
          I've had a lecture from them too, but then again there was 5 of us standing there with rocket launchers (apparently) on a sidewalk...go we just went back the the park at the IN N OUT and never got hassled again despite them driving by every 30 mins or so.

          No such problems up on Imperial Hill though.


          • #6
            The Air Field faces basicly east/west with the normal traffic pattern being departing to the west. In Feb you will still need to be on the south side of the aircraft you are trying to get pics of, so the park at In-N-Out wont give you anything but backlit pics durning the day, however dusk shots (like the one you posted) will be possible. Some good shots can be had at the Proudbird Resturante but if they are busy i have heard of them asking spotters to leave. The Flight path museme is a good place to get some charter ramp shots but actual departure shots are easier at Imperial Hill.

            The Imperial hill location and In-N-out are the best places to shoot with out a hastle from LAWA Police. That being said I have been told by a LAWA Police officer that as long as i dont hang out next to a no loitering sign or try crossing into restricted area i am fine taking pics.

            If you are here on the weekend I can come out and shoot with you.


            • #7
              I have shot from the sidewalk on Sepulveda and had no problems from the cops, in fact I have never had any problems with the LAPD and I have been to LAX five or six times. I wouldn't advise shooting from Westchester Parkway but then it would be useless at this time of year anyway.

     for my personal gallery.

