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Would this one make a chance?

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  • Would this one make a chance?

    Hi all,

    I would like your opinion on this one.
    As it happened previously that a pic was rejected because not the entire wheel was visible I thought I better check first here..

    Thanks in advance,

  • #2
    Would look a whole heap better if you got the entire 'KLM' in shot. To be fair it doesnt do much for me but if you really want it uploaded go for it. Cant promise you it will get accepted though.


    • #3
      to be honest, I don't think it has a chance...I'm not even sure what I'm looking at in that photo.

      next trips
      USA/DXB August.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Longreach747
        to be honest, I don't think it has a chance...I'm not even sure what I'm looking at in that photo.
        You don't see the co-pilot waving at the photographer from the Blue & white plane


        • #5
          He's on the other side of the plane , for all we know he could be waving at Humpty Dumpty on the brick wall....

          Doesn't do much for me having the KLM titles chopped off.

          and if you're uploading for the sole purpose of gaining hits from a pilot waving then thats pretty cheap....

          It also has centering issues too much dead space on the left.


          • #6
            With the picture cropped this way all I keep getting drawn to is the co-pilot's hand, which I figure would come out as a motive rejection. It would work better with the "KLM" and "CityHopper" titles in view and less dead space to the left. if you do have the titles in view I would also suggest cropping tighter to the nose, leaving the lamp standard out of it as that also draws the eye to the left.
            If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


            • #7
              Originally posted by Top_Gun
              You don't see the co-pilot waving at the photographer from the Blue & white plane
              ooooooooh thats what it is!

              Too much dead space in front of and on top of the plane, and it KLM chopped off, I don't think it works too well.


              • #8
                ok guys, thanks for your feedback.

