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LAX spotting

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  • LAX spotting

    For thanksgiving I will be flying to LAX (from SLC). I was wondering where to go if I could only go to one place as I will be with family most of the time. I have checked spotting guides, but I am still a little confused about the best place to spot. Thanks for any info.
    Will C.

  • #2
    Best bet this time of the year would be Imperial Hill from midday on as the sun is too far South to get any great lighting at In-N-Out. Now In-N-Out will be good if you can only make it out there in the late evening to get some sunset shots.
    Robin Guess Aviation Historian, Photographer, Web Designer.



    • #3
      This time of year its really just Imperial Hill until sundown. The sun isn't in the best place for sunset shots right now at Inn and Out and only really work if you have broken clouds. IMO the best time of year for sunset shots at Inn and Out is Oct. Imperial Hill is good all day long now.


      • #4
        Thanks, how do you get there, and could you show me some examples of pics from imperial hill. By the way, is it better in the afternoon or morning?Thanks
        Will C.


        • #5
          The Hill is good all day long this time of year. Its on Imperial Ave, here's a link, as for pics just look up LAX in the database. All or most of the departing shots you'll see were taken from Imperial Hill.


          • #6
            Thanks, will a 55-200mm lens be enough?
            Will C.


            • #7
              For the heavies yes, smaller stuff not really.


              • #8
                Have any of you herd about the Flight Path Learning Center? I read about it on spotters wiki. And so you think it would still be worth going to iimperial hill with only a 200mm lens? or not?

                Will C.


                • #9
                  Yes you def can go to Imperial Hill with a 200mm and most certainly you should stop by the Flight Path Learning center! Flight path is simply fantastic! Make it a must that you stop by! They'll even let you out to shoot some shots. DEF GO TO THE FLIGHT PATH!
                  Last edited by tommyalf; 2007-11-19, 01:07.

