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LAX airport PD reaching out to us...

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  • LAX airport PD reaching out to us...

    Something interesting happened a couple of weeks ago. I was out with the crew on Imperial hill, and three non-uniformed officers approached us and asked if we were 'spotters'. We replied no, just photogs...why?? They wanted to see what a spotters logbook looked like. OK, interesting query, so we delved into a nice conversation. They, the LA airport PD is now starting a program wherein the local spotting community can help them out to be on the lookout for trouble. The lead officer was is with a new group within the PD call Critical Infrastructure Protection Division. He asked us if there were any other airports around, or that we knew of with liasonships from a PD to the soptting/photographic community. Of course, London/Manchester/Amsterdam, etc came up, but none within the US. One can only hope that we can get something like this started here where the PD can start focusing on criminals, rather than having to deal with every call they get about us taking pictures and enjoying our hobby. Kudos to them for this outreach.

  • #2
    That sounds great for you over in the USA ... its high time that this happend.

    I dont know but i have always been twitchy while shooting in the USA , well that plus the not so pleasant experiences ive had once or twice.

    Great news though , lets hope they spread the word .

    best wishes Tony


    • #3
      Airport Watch

      It does existe in Canada at: Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Calgary. It's called Airport Watch.


      • #4
        Tim that's awesome news! Glad LAX understands the benefits of having another set of eye on the airport.


        • #5

          That sounds very promising/interesting. I can only hope it goes in a positive direction. Please keep us updated if you hear more. All the best!


          • #6
            As things develop...

            I'll keep all updated. This will be posted here, as well as on the LAX website

            By the way Richard...great new lens


            • #7
              Tim, Thats great I may present that as an Idea to our local PD in Vegas.



              • #8

                It is time for our community (the spotters and photogs) to get involved at a national level and present ourselves to the policing community at large. I, as am sure others, are welcome to suggestions on how we do this to help promote our hobby/passion to those who are responsible to those who are granted the honor to protect and serve us. So here is the ultimate do we do this? Sugesstions are welcome. I would be ready to help the SoCal one else want to join in?


                • #9
                  I think they should give you all some kind of badges or credential and enroll all volunteers into there citizens watch program. That would teach everyone what to lookout for.


                  • #10
                    Great start...

                    but I am looking for something more substantial. Something on a international level which can authenticate not only the countries citizens, but also extend across national boundaries to the world. We are a world community, and as such we have a voice, a presence, and a right to propagate our right to do what we do, as well as protect what we see. Think higher, deeper, broader. Extend our hobby across national boundaries. Embrace the world community known as spotters!

                    Spotters UNITE!


                    • #11
                      Not sure besides taking a sworn position( which I did 10 years ago). I made it none to our local pd who we are. Me I have a high security clearance but no one would know. Tim I will do my part to help!


                      • #12
                        If it helps anyone show these links to them.

                        The homepage here...

                        has a link to The Aviation Enthusiasts Security Scheme here...

                        I'm a member and on two occasions now, after showing the I.D. card, I have been afforded airside access with an escort where it would not normally have been given. On another occasion while being dressed rather more smartly than normal while taking pictures ( not TOO sure how I should have viewed that ! ) I was approached by a police officer at Gatwick and asked to explain what I was doing. The I.D. card produced an instant recognition and no further problems. Apparently wearing a suit was what caught their eye as being unusual.
                        If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


                        • #13
                          Ed and Brian...

                          The ball is rolling...gathering momentum...WE need to keep this going. Thanks for the support, helpful comments, and hopefully in the near future, we all will have something that we can hold on to. Until then, vigilance...never give up, never surrender.

                          By the way Brian, I will forward the website for the TAESS to the contact that I have. This will help them greatly. Thanks for sharing that with us.

                          Thanks all for the support.


                          • #14

                            I think we need to work our way up locally first then have everyone catch on. It's kind of like being in the military, we are recognized through out the world with our allies. I will contact the Dept of homeland security and see what they say on the national level. Backround checks will most certainly be required!


                            • #15
                              ....Background checks will most certainly be required!.....
                              TAESS membership required a photocopy of my passport personal data page. As a part of my job I also had a recent Criminal Records Bureau check sheet copy which I also sent.
                              If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !

