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Pre-Screening by Roland 74

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  • dlowwa
    Originally posted by Roland74 View Post
    Hello Screening Team

    I had the opportunity to work with a 600mm lens 2 years ago.
    Now I wanted various images with more details.
    Is this image ok for the database, and if no what would I have to do differently.

    Thanks for the support
    Very likely a rejection for contrast. Shooting in better light conditions would help this.

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  • Roland74
    Hello Screening Team

    I had the opportunity to work with a 600mm lens 2 years ago.
    Now I wanted various images with more details.
    Is this image ok for the database, and if no what would I have to do differently.

    Thanks for the support

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  • LX-A343
    Originally posted by Roland74 View Post
    Hello Screening Team

    I just have a question about CMOS Dust spots.

    When I search my images for spots I create a layer in PS with tone correction , then I move the sliders until the spots become visible.
    But after uploading to JP, the preview of JP keeps finding more spots once in a while.
    My question now, with which parameters you work so? Or is there another possibility?

    As a rule of thumb: As we know, that our tool is far stronger than the usual photo editor tricks, the dust spots have to be visible on the original photo to be a rejection reason.

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  • PabloGlez
    Originally posted by Roland74 View Post
    Hello Screening Team

    I just have a question about CMOS Dust spots.

    When I search my images for spots I create a layer in PS with tone correction , then I move the sliders until the spots become visible.
    But after uploading to JP, the preview of JP keeps finding more spots once in a while.
    My question now, with which parameters you work so? Or is there another possibility?

    IŽm not screener, but I can give you a good tip, if you upload a photo you can open the check for dust, and drag that image to the desk, next you open both images in PS, 2 layers. The check for dust one over the photo, and then selecting the layer 2 (original edited shot) where you will be removing the dust spots, for finish just delate the layer 1 (C.F.D) and save it.. upload it again and if you did well youŽll see the magic

    Pablo Gonzalez de Leon.

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  • Roland74
    Hello Screening Team

    I just have a question about CMOS Dust spots.

    When I search my images for spots I create a layer in PS with tone correction , then I move the sliders until the spots become visible.
    But after uploading to JP, the preview of JP keeps finding more spots once in a while.
    My question now, with which parameters you work so? Or is there another possibility?


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  • Roland74
    Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

    Let's stop and apply that logic a bit.. first 'different aircraft' is irrelevant since it's just a light trail, so really you're arguing since the text in lights is different it should not be similar. In that case, how many do you think you should be able to upload? Another on with "LX4ever!"? Then why not "I love CH"? And how about "JP rules!"? I hope you get the point. For the same reason we only allow one image per side of an aircraft - we need to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise people will certainly try to take advantage and upload as many similar images as they can, which doesn't benefit the DB in any measurable way.
    Hello You can look at the whole thing either way, if I look at the text " 2014" or "I ❤️ ZRH" as registration the whole thing looks a little different. But this is theoretically so, I just looked at the text as registration, on this reason I have also uploaded the image. But it's ok the way it is, even though I think it's a pity.
    Last edited by Roland74; 2021-01-26, 18:59.

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  • dlowwa
    Originally posted by Roland74 View Post
    Hello JP-Team

    Last night, unfortunately, this photo was rejected is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

    The following reasons were given
    "Similar photo uploaded"

    I looked at JP's database before uploading the image, in the process I came to the conclusion.
    -The text to the first image is different
    -The plane that is approaching leaves other lines in the sky
    -The moon has come out in this picture
    Let's stop and apply that logic a bit.. first 'different aircraft' is irrelevant since it's just a light trail, so really you're arguing since the text in lights is different it should not be similar. In that case, how many do you think you should be able to upload? Another on with "LX4ever!"? Then why not "I love CH"? And how about "JP rules!"? I hope you get the point. For the same reason we only allow one image per side of an aircraft - we need to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise people will certainly try to take advantage and upload as many similar images as they can, which doesn't benefit the DB in any measurable way.

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  • LX-A343
    The rejected photo is depicting a ramp. It is the same ramp from more or less the same angle with the same framing as

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  • Roland74
    Hello JP-Team

    Last night, unfortunately, this photo was rejected is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

    The following reasons were given
    "Similar photo uploaded"

    I looked at JP's database before uploading the image, in the process I came to the conclusion.
    -The text to the first image is different
    -The plane that is approaching leaves other lines in the sky
    -The moon has come out in this picture

    I have an example here that I looked at.
    Ramp during WEF 2018 @ ZRH.. LSZH. Airport. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

    Ramp during WEF 2019 at LSZH. LSZH. Airport. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

    Basically it is also 2 same images?
    Sometimes the judgments you choose are harsh, but especially in this example I think you could discuss
    it in the screening team. My picture is creative, has a statement and I think it might deserve a chance.
    Unfortunately, I have not yet received a response to my complaint.

    You make a great jop and are also very helpful, this text is NOT meant to be a criticism!!!

    Regards Roland

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  • dlowwa
    Originally posted by Roland74 View Post
    These (two) would be rejected for similar.

    Originally posted by Roland74 View Post
    Question 2

    I have straightened this picture horizontally, but the tower of the church still seems crooked to me, what is your opinion.
    Needs CCW rotation, but as stated above is similar to the other so would be rejected regardless.

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  • Roland74
    Hello I have 2 questions

    Question 1
    I would like to have 3 images on the JP database.

    Are the new two accepted?

    Question 2

    I have straightened this picture horizontally, but the tower of the church still seems crooked to me, what is your opinion.

    Thank you for the help.

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  • Roland74
    Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

    No idea why you didn't just go with a 4:3 crop.. looks nearly acceptable to me like that:

    Probably work better with an aircraft that's a bit longer, but you get the point.

    Thanks for your advice, I will try my luck.
    Last edited by Roland74; 2021-01-11, 21:41.

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  • dlowwa
    Originally posted by Roland74 View Post
    I know JP's rules of what a picture has to look like in order for it to be accepted. I think it's a shame when you see the tower cut off very often in the pictures. There may be a little room for creativity. Hence my question to the team.

    Perhaps there is room for such images simply under other options (airport, tower, etc.)
    No idea why you didn't just go with a 4:3 crop.. looks nearly acceptable to me like that:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	42216_1609864758.jpg
Views:	176
Size:	528.2 KB
ID:	1106899

    Probably work better with an aircraft that's a bit longer, but you get the point.

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  • Roland74
    I know JP's rules of what a picture has to look like in order for it to be accepted. I think it's a shame when you see the tower cut off very often in the pictures. There may be a little room for creativity. Hence my question to the team.

    Perhaps there is room for such images simply under other options (airport, tower, etc.)
    Last edited by Roland74; 2021-01-11, 14:14.

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  • hkgaviationspotting
    Hey there! I'm not a screener but just wanted to offer my opinion. I think that the crop may be too wide and to make it acceptable you must crop tighter and make the aircraft the main subject. The photo is also not centered well so may need adjusting before reupload.

    As this is only my opinion, you should wait for screeners to give their thoughts on it as well.

    Hope this helps a bit!

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