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Image prescreening request

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  • Image prescreening request

    Hello there! Could you please tell me which photos among these have good chance of getting approved? And if not, could you specify why? Good evening and thanks a lot!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Originally posted by FrancescoDT View Post
    Hello there! Could you please tell me which photos among these have good chance of getting approved? And if not, could you specify why? Good evening and thanks a lot!
    Hi, none of these would be approved. They all have issues with bad processing, contrast, and softness. 4 & 5 might be fixable, but you will need to do much better edits.


    • #3
      What’s bad about the edits? Also, some of the images might have too little contrast, but I don’t see any softness in them... maybe it’s because of the upload compression? I also had to downscale them from 5000x6000 to 1280x800 or something similar, which is very small. Could you please give me more details? Thanks!


      • #4
        Originally posted by FrancescoDT View Post
        What’s bad about the edits?
        You've obviously used far too much shadow/highlight, clarity, vibrance, etc.. The shadows are all extremely weak, and there are severe editing halos. Automatic rejection for overprocessed.

        Originally posted by FrancescoDT View Post
        Also, some of the images might have too little contrast, but I don’t see any softness in them... maybe it’s because of the upload compression
        Several of the images are very soft, near blurry. If you are unable to see that, you might want to check your monitor settings. As for the cause, it could be lens softness, but more likely given the light conditions, I'd say motion blur, or a combination of the two. 'Upload compression' is not a thing, we will see the images at the same file size/compression settings you submit them at.

        As I see you still haven't bothered to read here completely, I will not be commenting any further or giving specifics until you make the effort to do so:

        Have a question about Photo Editing software (Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, etc.), improving your photos, etc.? Our crew of Photo Screeners is here to help you out!


        • #5
          Dlowwa gave me the same advice regarding monitor settings. I must admit, after looking at some images on my (shameless) mobile phone editor (Lightroom Mobile) vs my actual PC monitor, I was well and truly shocked.

          When attaching your images, you won't have compression applied. If you don't mind me asking, what software are you using to edit?

          Disclaimer: I'm not crew so my opinions are just that

