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jhud922 - editing advice

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  • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

    1. borderline overprocessed (dark circle middle of frame)
    2. ok for me
    3-4. borderline heat hazed
    thank you


    • I am curious if something like this would be able to get in?
      Attached Files


      • Originally posted by jhud922 View Post
        I am curious if something like this would be able to get in?
        Can't really tell on the horizon, but would be ok for me.


        • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

          Can't really tell on the horizon, but would be ok for me.
          Ok, yeah I might nitpick a bit more with the rotation, I'm not sure which of the verticals is correct. I wasn't prepared to shoot this so I might go back and take more time with it, wasn't sure about the chains holding down the rotor, the power lines, etc.


          • Thoughts on these?
            Attached Files


            • Originally posted by jhud922 View Post
              Thoughts on these?
              1. soft, minor vignetting
              2. overprocessed
              3-4. borderline soft


              • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

                1. soft, minor vignetting
                2. overprocessed
                3-4. borderline soft
                Thanks. That all seems possibly fixable


                • I had a feeling I would have a problem with the horizon with this rejection -

                  I believe that the confusion is with the crane in the background, which of course isn't necessarily perfectly vertical. There are however some light poles on the horizon in the background under the plane, I believe the aircraft is level when taking those into account, which are perfectly vertical.

                  If I appealed that would be my logic - worth appealing or waste of time?


                  • Originally posted by jhud922 View Post
                    I had a feeling I would have a problem with the horizon with this rejection -

                    I believe that the confusion is with the crane in the background, which of course isn't necessarily perfectly vertical. There are however some light poles on the horizon in the background under the plane, I believe the aircraft is level when taking those into account, which are perfectly vertical.

                    If I appealed that would be my logic - worth appealing or waste of time?
                    First off, beautiful shot. Second, looks like the crane is a rotating one and also barge mounted. Personally, that would be my appeal; mention the crane is a rotating one (as most cranes do) and give it a shot. Everything else looks pretty good. Maybe Dana can concur or not.
                    “In the ongoing battle between objects made of aluminum going hundreds of miles per hour and the ground going zero miles per hour, the ground has yet to lose.” – Anonymous


                    • Originally posted by Delta95Heavy View Post

                      First off, beautiful shot. Second, looks like the crane is a rotating one and also barge mounted. Personally, that would be my appeal; mention the crane is a rotating one (as most cranes do) and give it a shot. Everything else looks pretty good. Maybe Dana can concur or not.
                      Thank you for the nice words. I concur, we shall see.


                      • I actually do struggle to find a valid reference for centering, the crane seems to be strange and the poles in the water do either seem to lean towards various directions while the light poles around the bridge are affected by heat haze. Maybe the piers on the right.


                        • Originally posted by JuklicekCZ View Post
                          I actually do struggle to find a valid reference for centering, the crane seems to be strange and the poles in the water do either seem to lean towards various directions while the light poles around the bridge are affected by heat haze. Maybe the piers on the right.
                          I agree, its possible there isn't one best source of true vertical. In which case that makes my head hurt and I will move on to something less controversial


                          • I too have struggled to find a decent reference. Quite a while back, someone explained to me that if there were multiple conflicting references, go with the "gut feel" of a reference line - and in this case, it looked at the meeting of the water and the hill behind the aircraft - hopefully you can see it on the attached, and it is a minimal adjustment, but maybe it can help. I agree on it being a really nice image too!!!
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Horizon.jpg
Views:	77
Size:	464.8 KB
ID:	1140885


                            • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                              I too have struggled to find a decent reference. Quite a while back, someone explained to me that if there were multiple conflicting references, go with the "gut feel" of a reference line - and in this case, it looked at the meeting of the water and the hill behind the aircraft - hopefully you can see it on the attached, and it is a minimal adjustment, but maybe it can help. I agree on it being a really nice image too!!!
                              I was also thinking about the shore, but they tend to have quite a wavy pattern, but still seems the best.


                              • In looking at that day, I might actually prefer to have this rejection stand - this image might be better!

                                Attached Files

