Pre-screening on these two. I can't tell if the B-17 is backlit.
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Advice/Confirmation requested by jakerepp
Originally posted by dlowwa View Post
1. backlit
2. very soft
Could you also tell me if this would be rejected for similar?
N651QX. Embraer 170-200LR. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!
And also screening on the Falcon. I'm unsure how to process it being such a dark aircraft. Can't figure out contrast or exposure on it.
Originally posted by jakerepp View Post
Could you also tell me if this would be rejected for similar?
N651QX. Embraer 170-200LR. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!
And also screening on the Falcon. I'm unsure how to process it being such a dark aircraft. Can't figure out contrast or exposure on it.
2. maybe a touch dark, but otherwise close to acceptable
Originally posted by dlowwa View Post
1. horizon, borderline (weak) contrast
2. ok for me
3. borderline soft/contrast
I'm also wondering about some photos I had/have in the queue. This one attached has been removed from the queue, but I'm noticing a few of them from the same session look like they might have vignetting at the top of the frame, but it might also just be the nature of the light at that time. I can't imagine it's actually vignetting since I've cropped them.
Originally posted by jakerepp View Post
Okay, thanks.
I'm also wondering about some photos I had/have in the queue. This one attached has been removed from the queue, but I'm noticing a few of them from the same session look like they might have vignetting at the top of the frame, but it might also just be the nature of the light at that time. I can't imagine it's actually vignetting since I've cropped them.