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David Tweddle | Advice regarding photo editing

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  • #61
    Hi, Can someone be kind enough to prescreen the following three please:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	VH-XF5 2.jpg
Views:	41
Size:	509.4 KB
ID:	1199953
    Attached Files


    • #62
      Originally posted by David Tweddle View Post
      Hi, Can someone be kind enough to prescreen the following three please:
      1. soft/heat hazed, contrast
      2. contrast
      3. soft, borderline contrast/overexposed


      • #63
        Hi, can someone please pre-screen these photos for me please, many thanks:Click image for larger version

Name:	VH-MSU JP edited 1200px-1.jpg
Views:	26
Size:	544.4 KB
ID:	1202270
        Attached Files


        • #64
          Not a screener, but third one is backlit


          • #65
            Originally posted by David Tweddle View Post
            Hi, can someone please pre-screen these photos for me please, many thanks:
            1. borderline soft
            2. soft, contrast, overprocessed
            3. soft, backlit/contrast


            • #66
              Thanks for the comments. I still don't understand how all of my pictures are coming out soft with this new Sony A6400 camera. When I had my Canon R10, I never had a problem with ‘soft’ and alot of my photos were accepted. I’ve had this camera now for seven months and I think I have only had three pictures accepted. Can anyone offer any advice why they are coming out soft (even when I am adding 90+ on sharpening and masking the aircraft in LR).

              Many thanks


              • #67
                Originally posted by David Tweddle View Post
                Thanks for the comments. I still don't understand how all of my pictures are coming out soft with this new Sony A6400 camera. When I had my Canon R10, I never had a problem with ‘soft’ and alot of my photos were accepted. I’ve had this camera now for seven months and I think I have only had three pictures accepted. Can anyone offer any advice why they are coming out soft (even when I am adding 90+ on sharpening and masking the aircraft in LR).

                Many thanks
                Too many factors to speculate. Post/share an original/raw/unedited image and we can start from there.


                • #68
                  Hi again, is it possible to have these three pictures pre-screened please. I think I have sorted the settings on the camera *fingers crossed*. Ive saved them as 1200px. Many thanks .Click image for larger version

Name:	VH-VUJ Virgin Australia Boeing 737-800-1.jpg
Views:	35
Size:	325.6 KB
ID:	1202904
                  Attached Files


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by David Tweddle View Post
                    Hi again, is it possible to have these three pictures pre-screened please. I think I have sorted the settings on the camera *fingers crossed*. Ive saved them as 1200px. Many thanks .Click image for larger version

Name:	VH-VUJ Virgin Australia Boeing 737-800-1.jpg
Views:	35
Size:	325.6 KB
ID:	1202904
                    To me all three seem dark/weak contrast


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by David Tweddle View Post
                      Hi again, is it possible to have these three pictures pre-screened please.
                      1. soft, dark
                      2. soft, vignetting
                      3. soft, dark, vignetting


                      • #71
                        Ok, they are very sharp in the raw, but 1200px makes them soft. I have no idea where the vingetting has come from as there is nothing covering the lens (camera is on a tripod). I used -3 or -7 on exposure compensation as its a bright sunny day here in Brisbane. Any other suggestions?


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by David Tweddle View Post
                          Ok, they are very sharp in the raw, but 1200px makes them soft. I have no idea where the vingetting has come from as there is nothing covering the lens (camera is on a tripod). I used -3 or -7 on exposure compensation as its a bright sunny day here in Brisbane. Any other suggestions?
                          Vignetting can occur any time you use a wider aperture setting, and can have nothing to do external factors.


                          • #73
                            Ok, take 2. Here are the two VA 737’s again with some adjustments. Not to worry about the vinegetting if they are on them as I will re-edit again. But how are these looking? These are in 1280px upload. Ive also added the Raw unedited photo of the Chine Eastern A330 for you to look at. I would also just like to know for my own knowledge, that when you are screening a picture, how do you know its soft (sounds obvious I know) but my pictures are sharp in raw and when adjusted, but when they are reduced to 1280px and then checked in the ‘check dust feature’ they do look soft. Are you looking in that? What should I be looking for to see if soft? Always learning and I appreciate all the hard work the guys do with this hobby. Look forward to your reply.


                            • #74
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	VH-VUJ 1200PX-1.jpg
Views:	33
Size:	365.6 KB
ID:	1203034
                              Attached Files


                              • #75
                                These are both soft, especially the first. The second is close to acceptable quality and might have a chance as-is. I can't tell if the issues are due to poor editing, or lack of quality on the original (or combination of both).

                                You can see a lack of fine detail/hard edges, especially on the nose of the first as an indication of softness.

