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Prescreening Advice

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  • #16
    Ah, alright. Thanks again!

    Would you say this different angle would be fine? Same edits and sharpening on this one just a different angle without any obstruction on the wheels this time.
    Attached Files


    • #17
      Originally posted by xirayt View Post
      Ah, alright. Thanks again!

      Would you say this different angle would be fine? Same edits and sharpening on this one just a different angle without any obstruction on the wheels this time.
      Might need a little ccw, but otherwise would be ok for me.


      • #18
        For some reason, I get an error when uploading attachments here on the forums, so I'll just send the photo via Google Drive.

        Would you say this one is acceptable?

        Thanks again for the help


        • #19
          Originally posted by xirayt View Post
          For some reason, I get an error when uploading attachments here on the forums, so I'll just send the photo via Google Drive.

          Would you say this one is acceptable?
          Slightly oversharpened for me.


          • #20
            Thanks for the reply! That one above should be fixed.

            Would any of these shots work per chance? (Theres 3 in the drive. Weird I cannot upload attachments here still)

            Thanks for the feedback


            • #21
              Good evening! It has been a minute, I don't exactly know if you guys have opened pre-screening again but I'll try otherwise.

              Would be greatly appreciated! And thanks for the help so far.
              Attached Files


              • #22
                Originally posted by xirayt View Post
                Good evening! It has been a minute, I don't exactly know if you guys have opened pre-screening again but I'll try otherwise.
                1. contrast
                2. heat haze
                3. blurry
                4. ok for me


                • #23
                  Would you say the first one is by all means fixable? Thank you again!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by xirayt View Post
                    Would you say the first one is by all means fixable? Thank you again!
                    Probably not.


                    • #25
                      Would this work as a ramp shot? Thank you again.
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by xirayt View Post
                        Would this work as a ramp shot? Thank you again.


                        • #27
                          I would safely assume this would be a contrast rejection? If so any way fixable?

                          Trying to catch the grip of getting some possible shots in lower-light onto JP.

                          An example is this one:

                          Thank you very much for help once again!
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by xirayt View Post
                            I would safely assume this would be a contrast rejection? If so any way fixable?

                            Trying to catch the grip of getting some possible shots in lower-light onto JP.

                            An example is this one:

                            Thank you very much for help once again!
                            Reference image was accepted as hot. Hot images usually have lower standards applied.

                            Your image would likely be a contrast rejection.


                            • #29
                              Ah, gotcha. Good to know and thanks for clarifying!

                              I'd assume this shot here was not taken as a hot-photo, and I am surprised how this did not get any contrast rejection yet having bad lighting.

                     is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!

                              Thank you again for the answer!
                              Last edited by dlowwa; 2024-06-12, 23:27.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by xirayt View Post
                                Ah, gotcha. Good to know and thanks for clarifying!

                                I'd assume this shot here was not taken as a hot-photo, and I am surprised how this did not get any contrast rejection yet having bad lighting.

                       is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!

                                Thank you again for the answer!
                                Better if you focus on your own images than criticize the work of others that may or may not have been accepted correctly.

