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bstolle - prescreening request/rejection advice please

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  • #46
    Originally posted by bstolle View Post
    Thanx Dana, hoping that this is the final version for the Pakistani DA-62...I'm always pasting your photo comments into the photos directly for reference.
    This definitely helps with learning what and how to finetune the photos.
    Probably the best you're going to be able to get it, given the light.


    • #47
      Looks like it was good enough this time. It's online, almost a month after my first attempt. 😂
      Weather permitting I'll try of course to make better ones if lighting conditions are improving in a few weeks.
      bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
      Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​


      • #48
        A few results of an unplanned hour at the airport for which I would like a pre screening please.
        Attached Files
        bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
        Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​


        • #49
          Originally posted by bstolle View Post
          A few results of an unplanned hour at the airport for which I would like a pre screening please.


          • #50
            Thank you, Dana. It's difficult for me to find the balance between being too soft and having too much aliasing's the next attempt.
            Attached Files
            bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
            Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​


            • #51
              Originally posted by bstolle View Post
              Thank you, Dana. It's difficult for me to find the balance between being too soft and having too much aliasing's the next attempt.
              1. slightly oversharpened, but ok for me
              2. ok for me

              Main issue for you is the softness is not even distributed across the frame, so sharpening the whole frame to compensate for the are of softness can often lead to the other areas then being oversharpened. OE-VDM the tail area is quite soft, but the rest not so much. Uneven sharpness across the frame is a common problem, due to lens issues, DOF, motion blur, etc..


              • #52
                Slightly improved the first one (found an optional way of additional sharpening) and it's already online, with a its new to the database operator.

                Besides the points you have mentioned, the close distance to the airplanes doesn't exactly help with DOF and the high angular veloctiy doesn't help either.

                Here are 3 new ones. Would the C90 one count as HOT, due to the completely missing engine cowlings? I've never seen an engine run under these conditions.

                Thanx in advance as usual. Btw. due to your precise feedback, my acceptance rate has increased to 100%. 🙂


                It looks like if a new aircraft uses a registration which has been previously in use by a de-registered aircraft, it should get the 'first registration' badge.
                In this case, could I get this badge for OE-FAP and OE-VPU? Thank you.
                OE-FAP | Diamond DA-42 Twin Star | Aviation Together | bernt stolle | JetPhotos
                OE-VPU | Diamond DA-50C | Diamond Aircraft Industries | bernt stolle | JetPhotos​​

                First registration badge missing - JetPhotos Forums - The Friendly Way to Fly
                Attached Files
                bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
                Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​


                • #53
                  Originally posted by bstolle View Post
                  Slightly improved the first one (found an optional way of additional sharpening) and it's already online, with a its new to the database operator.

                  Besides the points you have mentioned, the close distance to the airplanes doesn't exactly help with DOF and the high angular veloctiy doesn't help either.

                  Here are 3 new ones. Would the C90 one count as HOT, due to the completely missing engine cowlings? I've never seen an engine run under these conditions.
                  1. contrast, obstruction, borderline soft. not hot.
                  2. ok for me


                  • #54
                    Just re-read the guidlines about obstructions..Looks like I don't understand. There's nothing obstructing the view onto any part of the C90.
                    bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
                    Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by bstolle View Post
                      Just re-read the guidlines about obstructions..Looks like I don't understand. There's nothing obstructing the view onto any part of the C90.
                      Is #3 ok?
                      The obstruction is the grass over the wheels and parts of the propellers


                      • #56
                        Oh, I didn't expect blades of grass to be considered obstructions, thank you.

                        Here are the next three,pleeez. The 3rd one might be diffult to judge, but IRL it was pretty impressive.
                        Close to sunset with fog patches and wildly variing visibility within minutes.
                        Attached Files
                        bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
                        Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​


                        • #57
                          3 will be contrast rejection
                          Everything that say is in my opinion, a screener might dissagree
                          If you are dissapointed of yourself, look at me and feel better.


                          • #58
                            Thank you. I could of course 'fake' a better viz, but this would ruin the ambient lighting / fog condition and decrease the nav and landing lights brightness.
                            Another question is, would it be 'fixable' by increasing contrast. I've made a version with higher contrast already, but the mood gets lost of course.
                            bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
                            Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​


                            • #59
                              Still a great shot
                              Everything that say is in my opinion, a screener might dissagree
                              If you are dissapointed of yourself, look at me and feel better.


                              • #60
                                Thanx a lot. 🙂Just exchanged it (with a heavy heart) with a slightly higher contrast version.
                                bernt stolle aviation photos on JetPhotos
                                Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America​​

