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(Basilisk) - prescreening request

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  • (Basilisk) - prescreening request

    I would like to upload some of my pictures at JP which I took during the 80s and 90s, so they are scans from slides. My question is, are pictures like the one below acceptable when they show ground crew members doing their tasks like ensuring the canopy is locked?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	scan0125-1280.jpg
Views:	308
Size:	866.2 KB
ID:	1193687

    Are there any other issues with above picture?
    Thanks, Peter
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Originally posted by Basilisk View Post
    I would like to upload some of my pictures at JP which I took during the 80s and 90s, so they are scans from slides. My question is, are pictures like the one below acceptable when they show ground crew members doing their tasks like ensuring the canopy is locked?
    Normally that would be a motive/obstruction rejection, but given the quality/age + rarity of the image, I think it should be acceptable.

    Other than maybe being a touch dark, the quality is excellent for what I'm assuming is a 30+ year old scan.


    • #3
      Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

      Normally that would be a motive/obstruction rejection, but given the quality/age + rarity of the image, I think it should be acceptable.

      Other than maybe being a touch dark, the quality is excellent for what I'm assuming is a 30+ year old scan.
      Thank you for your feedback. I will give it a shot together with another 4 slides.

      The slide is from early 1986, but it doesn't really make much of a difference if a Kodachrome slide is from the 60s or 2000s as long as it was stored properly. And with today's processing software, a scan is possible which can rival a picture created with a digital camera.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	scan0133-1280.jpg
Views:	292
Size:	1,002.7 KB
ID:	1193703


      • #4
        Having such an action shot in the database would be an honor, really !



        • #5
          These are phenomenal shots, honestly. Hope to see them in the DB soon.


          • #6
            +1 on that comment - that is pure history on display!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Basilisk View Post

              The slide is from early 1986, but it doesn't really make much of a difference if a Kodachrome slide is from the 60s or 2000s as long as it was stored properly. And with today's processing software, a scan is possible which can rival a picture created with a digital camera.
              As good or better than the majority of (digital) images we see uploaded daily. If you've screened enough images, you recognize the quality of such older scans immediately.


              • #8
                Thank you all for the kind comments. I just uploaded five scans which are all new registrations to the database and are different to the pictures in my posts here. They hopefully don't disappoint. More to come, but scanning and processing the images is unfortunately a rather time-consuming process.

