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weird photo reject

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  • weird photo reject

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Näyttökuva 2024-07-18 123840 (1).jpg
Views:	935
Size:	541.7 KB
ID:	1193872
    ​I put this photo to my queue as a normal photo. The photo was rejected because it was undersharpened (soft). I did an appeal because I think this photo is not soft and it should be accepted to Jetphotos. Next day I got the appeal result and it was odd.

    Here is the answer I got:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Näyttökuva 2024-07-18 135136.png
Views:	807
Size:	46.1 KB
ID:	1193873

    Your appeal for photo id 11915776 has been processed and has been rejected.
    Admin Comments >> Invalid hot photos are rejected for invalid hot only for this exact reason. No skipping the queue for you.

    My photo was rejected due undersharpened (soft)!

    I wanted to know how my photo is too soft and this screener writes me about hot photos?! What the screener was thinking?

  • #2

    The senior screener's comment was an answer to your appeal message:

    I put this same photo to Jetphotos as a hot photo. It was rejected and only reason was not hot. First reject was not an instant reject because it took over 3 hours from the screener to look a that hot photo. So the first screener would accept this photo to Jetphotos if I had put this photo as normal photo to my queque. After the first reject I put this same photo to my queque as a normal photo. Now this photo has been screenered again and reason for rejection is "soft". This photo is not soft compaired to other photos in Jetphotos and how can the first rejection reason be only not hot and other screener says that this photo is too soft? This photo should be accepted to Jetphotos.

    What he tried to make clear is that when a photo is reject for Invalid Hot, it has not been screened for any other flaws.
    Simon De Rudder
    JetPhotos Management Team


    • #3
      Thanks for your comment

      Still I think that the screener should have commented on how my photo is Undersharpened (soft) because that was the rejection reason. From the screener's appeal comment I got a feeling that they were not sure if this photo was undersharpened (soft) or not.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jetspotter007 View Post
        Thanks for your comment

        Still I think that the screener should have commented on how my photo is Undersharpened (soft) because that was the rejection reason. From the screener's appeal comment I got a feeling that they were not sure if this photo was undersharpened (soft) or not.
        Unfortunately if the photo is incorrectly uploaded as hot, then you will not get any other Rejection reasons besides Invalid hot since the photo was intended for the regular queue in the first place.


        • #5
          I didn't upload this photo as hot photo. I uploaded it as NORMAL photo. That is the reason why I don't understand why this screener wrote me about hot photos in the appeal comments? They should have answered to my question how my photo was Undersharpened (soft)?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jetspotter007 View Post
            I didn't upload this photo as hot photo. I uploaded it as NORMAL photo. That is the reason why I don't understand why this screener wrote me about hot photos in the appeal comments? They should have answered to my question how my photo was Undersharpened (soft)?
            Because you complained in your appeal about it having been submitted as a hot photo, the screened tried to explain to you why it was not rejected for soft on the first time. So in fact both of your questions have already been answered, but just so we don't need to keep answering you about it:

            1. it was uploaded 1st time as hot. it was not hot, so rejected as Invalid Hot only, as is our policy
            2. you uploaded to the regular queue 2nd time, it was rejected for soft. you asked on appeal why wasn't it rejected for soft the first time. the screener said we don't include other rejection reasons for Invalid Hot images.

            tl;dr your image was always soft, it was just not mentioned the first time as that is our policy.

            I hope that clears this up finally, as I could have screened 10-15 images in the time it took to write this post.

