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Manuel S - prescreening request / editing advice

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  • Manuel S - prescreening request / editing advice

    Click image for larger version

Name:	G-HLYFjp-8150-5.jpg
Views:	488
Size:	895.8 KB
ID:	1206067Hello everyone,
    The photo above was recently rejected for horizon unlevel. I was a bit upset because I usually spend around 15 minutes ensuring the rotation is accurate. Now I’d like to know if it’s worth submitting an appeal, as I believe the rotation is actually correct. I agree that the house on the right seems to lean slightly to the left, but that part is somewhat jetwashed. Other verticals in the image appear to be properly aligned.
    Thank's in advance,

  • #2
    I've gotten rejections for photos that are maybe 0.1-0.2 degrees off. I've also seen photos that to me a pretty clearly 0.5 or more off. This looks incredibly close but none of the vertical lines are really long enough to say for sure. I think its worth appealing and saying 'how can you be certain it's not level?'. I tried that defense once and it actually worked.


    • #3
      Lovely Picture and yes, imho a clear appeal


      • #4
        Originally posted by Manuel S View Post
        Hello everyone,
        The photo above was recently rejected for horizon unlevel. I was a bit upset because I usually spend around 15 minutes ensuring the rotation is accurate. Now I’d like to know if it’s worth submitting an appeal, as I believe the rotation is actually correct. I agree that the house on the right seems to lean slightly to the left, but that part is somewhat jetwashed. Other verticals in the image appear to be properly aligned.
        Thank's in advance,
        Needs slight CCW rotation.


        • #5
          Where do you draw the line ... looks correctly aligned on the right, but 0.1 degree off on the left, so I guess due to optical lens distortion. But I really don't get it to reject pictures for this as nobody will notice this or does care about it. By the way, nice shot!


          • #6
            thank's for your tips and advice

            Originally posted by Basilisk View Post
            Where do you draw the line ... looks correctly aligned on the right, but 0.1 degree off on the left, so I guess due to optical lens distortion. But I really don't get it to reject pictures for this as nobody will notice this or does care about it. By the way, nice shot!
            for example the parts in the red circles are looking good to me:Click image for larger version

Name:	procimages_G-HLYF.jpg
Views:	256
Size:	622.3 KB
ID:	1206108


            • #7
              Originally posted by Manuel S View Post
              thank's for your tips and advice

              for example the parts in the red circles are looking good to me:
              Ok, are free to appeal if you feel you are right.

