Your call mate, the tail oversharpening is the most obvious let down for me. Its a nice shot though. Its up to you. Personaly id re-edit it, and re-upload, see what you can come up with.
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Originally posted by BA747-436Your call mate, the tail oversharpening is the most obvious let down for me. Its a nice shot though. Its up to you. Personaly id re-edit it, and re-upload, see what you can come up with.
Alright, these were taken on a very dull day, so I can't really judge whether they're up to DB standards. I'm also not sure about the crop, especially on the second one:
Thanks in advance!
Horizon Level
I am unsure about the horizon in this picture. On the left side of the airplane it looks way off but on the right side you can see that the dirt is fairly level. There was a downhill slope on this part of the airport. Thanks for any help.
First one's a slide, second one's digital:
The fence caused some wierd diffractions in the far right of the second shot, is that gonna be too much to kill the shot?
Also this one:
Originally posted by BA747-436Alec needs rotating to the right alittle, cant really tell totaly on a shot that 800x600 or even 600x400. But seems ok on first look.J/K Thanks for the help. I will rotate it and give it a shot.
You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven