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  • Looking to post after almost 1.5 years!

    Is this good enough?

    Thank you!


    • Originally posted by yash777 View Post
      Looking to post after almost 1.5 years!

      Is this good enough?

      Thank you!
      Unfortunately not Yash.
      The picture is too soft and noisy.
      In the bottom right corner some reflection (glare) is visible.




      • Originally posted by Simpleboy View Post
        Hey there,
        It looks much better, but is it possible to run some NR on the sky?

        Also, with regards to the saturation, when you do it, up the top of the hue/saturation box there should be a label for edit, then a drop down box, change this from master to yellows. Select that, then desaturate. Then if you can,select the golden stripe and add some back in just.

        If you've shot raw, you shuold be able to just play with the colour temp to get it looking right.

        Thank you for the tips!


        • Hi guys, What do you think about this three pictures?

          Thank you and regards from Colombia.


          • Originally posted by fokker1001 View Post
            Hi guys, What do you think about this three pictures?




            Thank you and regards from Colombia.
            Hello fokker,
            The editing is OK, but I'd have to say no, because they don't really depict much of the control towers environment. They appear to be more of a "company profile" group photo session. For me, I would have to reject them for motive. Do you have any wide angle shots?




            • Originally posted by hdgrubb View Post
              Hello fokker,
              The editing is OK, but I'd have to say no, because they don't really depict much of the control towers environment. They appear to be more of a "company profile" group photo session. For me, I would have to reject them for motive. Do you have any wide angle shots?

              I have to say that the control tower is small, so that is the reason of the angle of the photo. Also, there was only three person in the tower, so that is another reason of why I prefer to take that angle and because I wanted to catch the computers and other stuff.

              And, if I take the photo from the back, you can't see all the equipments in the tower, only the chairs and other things.

              And in the tower they only have that table for control, the other things are: a couch, another table with a computer for the supervisor, and a telephone.

              Thank you


              • I agree with Hans for the motive rejection. The main subject of all three photos is the setting of three guys behind computer monitors. There is only a vague view on (overexposed) the ramp. There needs to be more aviation in the picture.
                The other reason for motive rejection is that the guys can be rather easily identifiable whereas it is not clear they know you took their picture and plan to put it on internet.
                I am afraid these are for your private colletion.

                cheers, Pamela


                • Hello Screeners!

                  How is this for a Terminal shot?


                  • Originally posted by SIA_744 View Post
                    Hello Screeners!

                    How is this for a Terminal shot?

                    Looks ok to me.


                    • it's been a while since I uploaded and wanted to pose the question about this photo?

                      dimensions, what are they now? the rest of the editing process I am familiar with but the size is my problem.

                      here are a few shots.


                      next trips
                      USA/DXB August.


                      • Great to see you back Monty! It has been a while.

                        You can find the right dimensions here in the upload guide:

                        this is the table:

                        800 x 600
                        1024 x 76
                        1280 x 960
                        1600 x 1200
                        800 x 533
                        1024 x 681
                        1200 x 800
                        1600 x 1067

                        Your photos have the wrong dimensions for uploading here I am afraid, I see they are 1280px × 800px. Would be great if you could adjust them and upload them. Looking forward screening some of your work again

                        cheers, Pamela


                        • First time I try this sort of picture since in Buenos Aires we bearly have high altitude traffic above us, I had to go to Barcelona to try this hehe.
                          Is this any good for uploading? If not, would any further editing do the trick?

                          thanks in advance!

                          rgds, Alberto


                          • thanks Pam. I only created those sizes for my wallpaper so editing them to correct scale is no issue.

                            next trips
                            USA/DXB August.


                            • MONTY !!!!

                              Great to see you back !!


                              • Originally posted by Alberto U. View Post
                                Is this any good for uploading? If not, would any further editing do the trick?
                                It lacks contrast and it is very soft.

