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Undersharpened, I need some help

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  • MaxPower
    Originally posted by Diezel
    Now that you are mentioning it...I do have this window that needs painting
    There aint much challenge in painting a window.

    Aviation photos would be more then fine

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  • Diezel
    Thanks for all the edits and coping with my dusty sensor

    Originally posted by magic48
    Here's what I did to it:
    Magic, a nice try but I think it is too blue and oversharpened. Somehow you did manage to get the grain down

    Originally posted by RingwaySam
    Thought i'd give it ago -:
    Sam, thanks, in fact this is exactly how it looked at that location. But I think it lacks some contrast. How I hate fog on a sunny morning.

    Originally posted by MaxPower
    Roel, You are welcome to bring more "work" or whatever to us.... Right guys..????-:
    Now that you are mentioning it...I do have this window that needs painting

    Originally posted by pdeboer
    Btw you have some dust spots on your sensor
    Don't you laugh Pamela, I should tell you that in fact I own a customized Nikon D100 Hoover. It doubles as a vacuum cleaner


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  • magic48
    Here's what I did to it:

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  • RingwaySam
    Thought i'd give it ago -

    Not the best but worth ago!

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  • MaxPower
    Roel, You are welcome to bring more "work" or whatever to us.... Right guys..????

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  • Diezel
    Originally posted by magic48
    I think you gave us the wrong original. Your rejected pic shows more of the right wing than the one you gave us. Right??
    Sorry for that. Noticed that too late but the the other is just the same quality wise.

    Thanks anyway for trying. I really appreciate that (and anyway, it keeps you guys off the street for a while )


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  • MaxPower
    I assume the effect would still be the same, no matter what pic it is, one-sec-before picture or after, noh ?

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  • magic48
    I think you gave us the wrong original. Your rejected pic shows more of the right wing than the one you gave us. Right??

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  • MaxPower
    I have to say that this 747 is really tough to edit. I tried three times. One you do something with it, it does stand pretty much clear out from the background. Sort of haloed around the aircraft. A little bit added USM 2x140,0.2 0 had been added, the third time was a little worse in the end. I tried smaller USM but didnt help anyway. So bad results from me. I hooe others can get it right.

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  • pdeboer
    Originally posted by Diezel
    It's not an easy edit.
    No it is not, gave it some minutes but could not get it right so I stopped. Greg did a nice job though!
    Btw you have some dust spots on your sensor

    cheers, Pamela

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  • Diezel
    Looks better!

    For anybody who wants to try. Here is the link to the korea 747. It's a Nikon RAW file. Let me know if you need the JPG. I can convert it.

    It's not an easy edit.



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  • Greg Wilson
    Couple of nice shots there mate,and the Fokker and Korean may be salvageable.
    I believe all photos are underexposed.
    There is softness/blury near the cockpit windows as you mention,and blury effect to the rego which looks more like oversharpened.Problem angle at those shutter speeds.It is difficult without the EXIF info or knowledge of your sharpening methods or camera settings,but selective sharpening would help with this picture. An upload at 1024 as sugested would help.
    I'm guessing that this photo is some way from the airport...1to3 DME and if so a good shot and maybe a touch unlucky for it to be rejected.Others have offered to work on your originals,but a couple of seconds on your rejected I came up with..........

    so that photo has potential

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  • Diezel
    Originally posted by Will M
    ...and your guess about what caused the blur would be spot on , but thats what happens with a slow shutter speed and a 3/4 head on unfortunately(
    Yep, well I guess I have to live with it and try again some other time. And...hey wait....that's a good excuse to go the airport again


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  • Will M
    haha sorry my bad mate. 1200 pixels it is indeed !

    The nose inparticular is rather blurry to me
    and your guess about what caused the blur would be spot on , but thats what happens with a slow shutter speed and a 3/4 head on unfortunately

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  • Diezel
    Originally posted by Will M
    the Fokker is most definitely blurry , I'd suggest maybe not uploading at 1600 pixels
    Actually this is a 1200 pixels width upload but I get your message.

    About the little Fokker Can you give me some more clues why you think it is blurry as I fail to see it. The registration is crisp clear as are the windows, the sticker and the (almost) white paint, you can even see the structure in the paint. I did not use any noise reduction at all btw. My best guess is that it is the nose section that suffered from the slow exposure time used to blur the props.

    Thanks for your reactions.


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