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Request for help from Martin McGrath.

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  • Leftseat86
    Atleast you're having fun


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  • Macca
    Rejections !

    Hiya,thanks for that.The shot of the Dutchbird B752 did get rejected, the shot is really crisp and clear on the original slide,so will have to have a rethink on this one. Thought it looked abit unlevel,i was at the top of a pair of step ladders when i took this one he he !

    Could this be corrected in Photoimpression ?

    I also input the the wrong airport,its actually not Birmingham but Manchester where this was taken. Perils of working on scans late at night after a day at work he he !
    Got one more accepted today ,Shandong CRJ at BHX,which i'm delighted about
    Two more in the queue at the moment
    Cheers for now,Martin.

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  • LX-A343
    Hi Martin

    I had a quick look at your pics in the queue (screener privilege ). They look good. Hardly any grain and an overall good quality.

    But one - the Dutchbird B752 - has a fair chance to be rejected. It looks very unlevel - unless Birmingham has been build on a mountain side :P . It looks also very soft, in my opinion. This could also be on the original print, which you scanned. In that case, there's not much you can do.


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  • Macca
    Advice !

    Good morning Gerardo,thanks for the tips your help is very much appreciated indeed.
    Had trouble scanning at dpi 1200 last night due to lack of memory,but i'm pretty sure i have the 'unsharp mask' option in manual scanning.
    I will have a play around later on today,have 5 shots in the queue at the
    moment so we will see the results soon enough,best regards. Martin.

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  • LX-A343
    Hi Martin

    I'm not sure, if I screened your pics. It could be, but it was a long weekend ....

    Anway, just a few tips for all your pics:
    • Your pics seem to lack a bit of sharpness. The original scan seems to look good enough, though. So, try to sharpen a tad and see how it looks like. If you have the option "Unsharp Mask", then try this one.
    • When you resize, ALWAYS use the "keep ratio" option. We don't need any B736-looking B763 and so on... :P
    • Judging by the picture, I guess, scanning at 1200dpi is good enough. But I seriously doubt, this will be enough for a slide. A dedicated slide scanner will do the job much better. But you can always try of course. For example: the Minolta Dual Scan II, which I used some years back, scans at 2820dpi. And that's a lower end slide scanner.....

    Hope this helps

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  • Macca
    Result !

    Hi Gerardo,well am really pleased that two of my shots were accepted onto over the weekend , and one rejection.Which i have resubmitted after a little work in Photoimpression to brighten the image a little.
    I did get a comment on the ZOOM B763 at BHX which i managed to make look like a B762, think i can amend this by resizing using 'keep ratio' option.
    Would you advise that scanning manually at 1200 dpi is going to be suitable for a slide ?
    Cheers for now.

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  • LX-A343
    TIFF is a file type for bitmap pictures. It's the most used fily type in professional publishing and printing. It doesn't have any compression. You can therefore save an image as much as you want. JPG on the other hand always compresses a little bit, even with settings "no compression".

    As mentioned, I don't work with TIFF, when I "only" edit pictures for the web. TIFF's have normally huge filesizes ....


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  • Macca
    Scanning advice.

    Thanks for your reply , i have taken your advice and tried what you have suggested.One question though, what does TIFF mean?
    Have three photo's in the queue at the moment so i will see if i have improved on my first attempts. I hope so,thanks again.

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  • LX-A343
    Just a few tips:
    • Scan at the highest possible optical resolution, then resize.
    • When saving tp JPG, don't use any compression at all. I think, your rejected pics show JPG too much compression, hence that quality decrease.
    • Everytime you save the same JPG, you will loose a bit quality. Some save scans as TIFF, work on it and at the very last stage convert to JPG. When I scanned, I saved as JPG without compression, opened it with the photo editor, did all I had to do with the pic and when I was happy with the result saved to a new JPG.

    Hope this helps


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  • Macca
    started a topic Request for help from Martin McGrath.

    Request for help from Martin McGrath.

    Hi all,have recently joined the world of and scanning my slides with a Epson 1660.My first two uploads to were rejected due to a min height pixel error,which i managed to sort last night.Got a really crisp / clean image after scanning at 1024x600 pixels.When i then saved it onto my pc and created into a jpeg the image becomes slightly blurred.Have tried to use the sharpen tool in photoimpression retouch but to no avail. Can you guys help me sort this ? Thanks in advance Martin