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  • Originally posted by Lat1918 View Post
    What about these two? Just forget about them?
    Hello Lat,
    I am very sorry to say that both of them seem has poor quality.
    Lufthansa 747 : It seems blurry and too dark. Also too low contrast i think. Besides, did you use a lot of Reducing noise tool on it ? Too much detail were lost here i think. Finally, the title and window line seems very blurry and some parts of them seems Over-sharpened and some parts very soft. AND you need to place the whole aircraft more center.
    Alaska 738 : It seems better than the B747 , but i think you crop it too tie, and some some parts of nose and tail were cropped by you. Besides, it also seems dark and you can have a look your Histogram to make sure it.It also need more contrast i think.And a little low in frame.
    Hope my advice can help you !


    • Guys, what's wrong with centering here? is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!


      • Originally posted by pawelm View Post
        Guys, what's wrong with centering here?
        The aircraft is too high. Not much, but it makes the photo look unbalanced.
        My photos on Flickr


        • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post
          Still pretty borderline for contrast. Those are different aircraft, yes? Otherwise they would be considered similar.

          There's nothing at the bottom of the frame with the A330 that would justify the placement.
          Originally posted by HarryLi View Post
          Regarding to the A330, I agree with the rejected reason, you didn't center the whole A330 , as you see the space of right side is bigger than left side i don't know why you want to contain the BAE146, i don't think it is necessary to contain the BAE146 it is too small. If you contain the 146 you will find that it is too empty around the A330 . Besides, the contrast i think is too low you should add some more to it.
          And , both of the A380 still look low contrast you can add more to it , and if they are the same plane i think you'd better choose your favorite one to edit and upload or it will be rejected with Similar i think .

          Thanks to both, I'll work on them and get back.

          Regarding this recent shot I took at Birmingham, what should I use to level the photo? I tried with the runway and taxiway and while it is level (as per guidelines in PS), the aircraft doesn't seem to be level. Levelling using the top of the fuselage makes the runway and taxiway not look level. I know its the angle at which I took the photo which is causing this. Which should I use to level the photo, the fuselage or runway/taxiway?
          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_0002.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	755.2 KB
ID:	1015721

          Many thanks!
          Attached Files


          • Originally posted by iranair777 View Post
            Thanks to both, I'll work on them and get back.

            Regarding this recent shot I took at Birmingham, what should I use to level the photo? I tried with the runway and taxiway and while it is level (as per guidelines in PS), the aircraft doesn't seem to be level. Levelling using the top of the fuselage makes the runway and taxiway not look level. I know its the angle at which I took the photo which is causing this. Which should I use to level the photo, the fuselage or runway/taxiway?

            Many thanks!
            Level using these cues, with the most reliable first:

            1. Horizon (obviously) if visible
            2. Verticals in the center of the frame.
            3. Verticals towards the edges. These are less reliable than those in the center due to barrel distortion in the lens, but are still generally better than anything horizontal.
            4. Horizontal lines that run perpendicular across the whole frame.
            5. Any other horizontal references.
            6. Use the aircraft only if nothing else is really visible.

            In your example, I'd be looking first and any vertical references in the background, and second at those in the foreground (fence posts). That should be more than enough to judge level.


            • Hi,

              Is the foreground clutter really an issue here? In my opinion, it is distant and not blocking any part of aircraft significantly. For such wide angle shots, it is impossible to get clutter free at air shows.

     is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

              Photos by Siddarth Bhandary on JetPhotos


              • Originally posted by Siddarth.Bhandary View Post

                Is the foreground clutter really an issue here? In my opinion, it is distant and not blocking any part of aircraft significantly. For such wide angle shots, it is impossible to get clutter free at air shows.

       is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

                Unfortunately yes; it can often be difficult to get unobstructed shots at airshows.


                • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post
                  Level using these cues, with the most reliable first:

                  1. Horizon (obviously) if visible
                  2. Verticals in the center of the frame.
                  3. Verticals towards the edges. These are less reliable than those in the center due to barrel distortion in the lens, but are still generally better than anything horizontal.
                  4. Horizontal lines that run perpendicular across the whole frame.
                  5. Any other horizontal references.
                  6. Use the aircraft only if nothing else is really visible.

                  In your example, I'd be looking first and any vertical references in the background, and second at those in the foreground (fence posts). That should be more than enough to judge level.
                  Perfect, thank you!


                  • Hi guys,

                    I need your help. Those two photos were rejected, as always in my case, for contrast and underexposure. Are they better now? And if not, could you kindly edit them, to show me how they should look like?
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	G-BYGA_02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	990.8 KB
ID:	1015743 Click image for larger version

Name:	G-CIVO_02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	657.1 KB
ID:	1015744

                    And what about this one?
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	N961AM_02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	511.8 KB
ID:	1015745



                    • Originally posted by pawelm View Post
                      Hi guys,

                      I need your help. Those two photos were rejected, as always in my case, for contrast and underexposure. Are they better now? And if not, could you kindly edit them, to show me how they should look like?
                      [ATTACH=CONFIG]7615[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]7616[/ATTACH]

                      And what about this one?

                      I think the contrast is still a little high because high contrast can cause dark under the aircraft i think that's why screener rejected you underexposure.
                      Beside, regarding to the 787, it seems that a cloud came suddenly and the light is disappeared so the Background is brighter than the aircraft so it leads to a little backlit i think.


                      • Originally posted by pawelm View Post
                        Hi guys,

                        I need your help. Those two photos were rejected, as always in my case, for contrast and underexposure. Are they better now? And if not, could you kindly edit them, to show me how they should look like?
                        [ATTACH=CONFIG]7615[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]7616[/ATTACH]

                        And what about this one?

                        You can get some contrast tips from this post :
                        The NO.6 is about Contrast.


                        • Originally posted by pawelm View Post
                          Hi guys,

                          I need your help. Those two photos were rejected, as always in my case, for contrast and underexposure. Are they better now? And if not, could you kindly edit them, to show me how they should look like?
                          [ATTACH=CONFIG]7615[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]7616[/ATTACH]
                          Both should be ok.

                          Originally posted by pawelm View Post
                          And what about this one?
                          It would be rejected for contrast.


                          • Thanks guys


                            • Hi,

                              Had this rejection for backlit. I went by the lighting on the tail - Yes I agree the nose is not well lit because the sun was behind the plane but still on the starboard side.

                              Photos by Siddarth Bhandary on JetPhotos


                              • Originally posted by Siddarth.Bhandary View Post

                                Had this rejection for backlit. I went by the lighting on the tail - Yes I agree the nose is not well lit because the sun was behind the plane but still on the starboard side.

                                I'd agree there's enough light on the tail for this to not be considered backlit.

