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  • Backlit

    Hello. My apologies to bother you all. I just have a quick question. So i have had a few photos that have been rejected for backlit, but then we had a screener who came down for a holiday a few months ago.

    Now, i am not in anyway trying to be rude in any way. I am grateful that i have gotten my small amount photos up.

    But this screeners profile had seriously backlit photos and i don't see how some of them got accepted. Like it was dark, underexposed and terrible lighting (doesnt matter with lighting). So as i was saying. How come this screener got his/her photos accepted when some of them were really not the JP quality. The rest of his/her photos are beautiful but I'm just curious. Surely they also have to follow these guidelines to uploading?

    Kind regards

  • #2
    Originally posted by Matthew Rodgers View Post
    Hello. My apologies to bother you all. I just have a quick question. So i have had a few photos that have been rejected for backlit, but then we had a screener who came down for a holiday a few months ago.

    Now, i am not in anyway trying to be rude in any way. I am grateful that i have gotten my small amount photos up.

    But this screeners profile had seriously backlit photos and i don't see how some of them got accepted. Like it was dark, underexposed and terrible lighting (doesnt matter with lighting). So as i was saying. How come this screener got his/her photos accepted when some of them were really not the JP quality. The rest of his/her photos are beautiful but I'm just curious. Surely they also have to follow these guidelines to uploading?

    Kind regards
    Umm, yeah. Throwing out public accusations without backing them up or without knowing all of the facts will not get you very far here, especially when it is toward the crew. We have no idea to which images you are referring, so how are we supposed to respond? And no, that is not an invitation to start posting other people's photos that you don't like. There are multiple reasons why images that look like they shouldn't be accepted in fact are, from them being rare, new, or actually within the acceptance criteria (despite your opinion).

    If you want to post your own images and find out if they were rightly rejected, that's fine, but please don't drag other people into it. If you have real concerns about other people's images that you feel were wrongly accepted, please contact me (or any of the crew) privately, as this will avoid potential embarrassment for the person involved, and for yourself if you happen to be wrong

