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wkd001- Editing advice

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  • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

    First would be a contrast rejection, second more borderline but acceptable for me.
    Thanks a lot Dana.

    I've queued only the second one.

    I would like pre-screen/advice on the following image.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1284-2.JPG
Views:	130
Size:	564.1 KB
ID:	1080343 My biggest concerns are sharpening and heathaze. It's a heavy crop so I already resized it also pretty big. If there are any other issues I would like to know as well.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards.


    • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

      Thanks a lot Dana.

      I've queued only the second one.

      I would like pre-screen/advice on the following image.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1284-2.JPG
Views:	130
Size:	564.1 KB
ID:	1080343 My biggest concerns are sharpening and heathaze. It's a heavy crop so I already resized it also pretty big. If there are any other issues I would like to know as well.

      Thanks in advance.

      Best Regards.
      Haze shouldn't be an issue.


      • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

        Haze shouldn't be an issue.
        Thanks a lot Dana, I'll try my luck with it.

        Unfortunately I forgot to ask earlier, so I do it now and apologies also for not combining it with the first post.
        But I also would like a prescreen on this shot. Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1328-2.JPG
Views:	123
Size:	253.4 KB
ID:	1080369
        It's a heavy crop also, but I think its way too soft and maybe even blurry, but a second look would be appreciated.
        Thanks in Advance.

        Best Regards


        • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

          Thanks a lot Dana, I'll try my luck with it.

          Unfortunately I forgot to ask earlier, so I do it now and apologies also for not combining it with the first post.
          But I also would like a prescreen on this shot. Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1328-2.JPG
Views:	123
Size:	253.4 KB
ID:	1080369
          It's a heavy crop also, but I think its way too soft and maybe even blurry, but a second look would be appreciated.
          Thanks in Advance.

          Best Regards
          Soft and noisy/compressed.


          • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

            Soft and noisy/compressed.
            OK Thanks a lot Dana.

            I have two questions at the moment.

            1: How can I recognise compression? As the last photo was a very heavy crop, I think that might clear it a little up.

            2: Off topic, and maybe unpolite, if so, please apologise. But the last period i've seen at last two photos which where in my eyes wrongly accepted. One cut off and one obstructed.

            As I won't fall down to others I'm not going to give links here, but is there a way to report this?

            Thanks in advance.


            • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

              OK Thanks a lot Dana.

              I have two questions at the moment.

              1: How can I recognise compression? As the last photo was a very heavy crop, I think that might clear it a little up.
              Hard one to quantify specifically. Can appear as compression artifacts if it's due to save settings, or blotchy sky/smeared fine details if it's due to sensor issues or heavy cropping.

              Originally posted by wkd001 View Post
              2: Off topic, and maybe unpolite, if so, please apologise. But the last period i've seen at last two photos which where in my eyes wrongly accepted. One cut off and one obstructed.

              As I won't fall down to others I'm not going to give links here, but is there a way to report this?
              You can send me a PM and I will take a look.


              • Hello,

                I would like prescreen/advice on two images.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1462.JPG
Views:	105
Size:	341.3 KB
ID:	1081413 Biggest worry is of course the contrast, but if there a other things, I would like to know as well

                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1427-2.JPG
Views:	94
Size:	275.7 KB
ID:	1081414Exactly the same stoiy as the first photo.

                Thanks in advance.

                Best Regards.


                • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

                  I would like prescreen/advice on two images.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1462.JPG
Views:	105
Size:	341.3 KB
ID:	1081413 Biggest worry is of course the contrast, but if there a other things, I would like to know as well

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1427-2.JPG
Views:	94
Size:	275.7 KB
ID:	1081414Exactly the same stoiy as the first photo.

                  Thanks in advance.

                  Best Regards.
                  Both soft and yes borderline for contrast.


                  • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

                    Both soft and yes borderline for contrast.
                    OK Thanks Dana,

                    In that case I would like prescreen also for this one also,
                    Different snap for the Aeroflot 77W
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1470-3.JPG
Views:	108
Size:	455.0 KB
ID:	1081430 Biggest worries are here also contrast, sharpness and maybe also horizon and exposure.
                    The sun just peeped out, but through a lot of hazy clouds. For the moment I'll drop the snap from my previous post.

                    Thanks in advance

                    Best Regards.


                    • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

                      OK Thanks Dana,

                      In that case I would like prescreen also for this one also,
                      Different snap for the Aeroflot 77W
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1470-3.JPG
Views:	108
Size:	455.0 KB
ID:	1081430 Biggest worries are here also contrast, sharpness and maybe also horizon and exposure.
                      The sun just peeped out, but through a lot of hazy clouds. For the moment I'll drop the snap from my previous post.

                      Thanks in advance

                      Best Regards.
                      This would be rejected for contrast, and possibly soft. First one is better.


                      • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

                        This would be rejected for contrast, and possibly soft. First one is better.
                        OK Dana,

                        With the monotone grey sky and the angle of the light in mind I should have known better in this case. My apologies for that.
                        So I made a re edit of the first attempt. I would be great If you (or someone else ofcourse) could take a look at it.
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1462-2-4.JPG
Views:	108
Size:	290.5 KB
ID:	1081591 I've tried to add more sharpening, added a verytiny touch more contrast (Although I know it almost can't better as borderline) and resized it a litlle further.

                        I also have another question:
                        I've received this reject: for softness.
                        I don't really agree with this one as all the hard lines are visible here.
                        Maybe to the nose it will get questionable and the fact that this one is 1600 wide probably doesn't favour that.
                        For surance I made a re-edit at 1280 wide, maybe that is better otherwise, so if it can be checked, hat would be nice.
                        I'll attach it underneath.
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1221-2.JPG
Views:	96
Size:	351.2 KB
ID:	1081592 Thanks in advance.

                        Best regards.


                        • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

                          OK Dana,

                          With the monotone grey sky and the angle of the light in mind I should have known better in this case. My apologies for that.
                          So I made a re edit of the first attempt. I would be great If you (or someone else ofcourse) could take a look at it.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1462-2-4.JPG
Views:	108
Size:	290.5 KB
ID:	1081591 I've tried to add more sharpening, added a verytiny touch more contrast (Although I know it almost can't better as borderline) and resized it a litlle further.
                          Still borderline for contrast.

                          Originally posted by wkd001 View Post
                          I also have another question:
                          I've received this reject: for softness.
                          I don't really agree with this one as all the hard lines are visible here.
                          Maybe to the nose it will get questionable and the fact that this one is 1600 wide probably doesn't favour that.
                          For surance I made a re-edit at 1280 wide, maybe that is better otherwise, so if it can be checked, hat would be nice.
                          I'll attach it underneath.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1221-2.JPG
Views:	96
Size:	351.2 KB
ID:	1081592 Thanks in advance.
                          Rejected image borderline, but would have been ok for me. If you want to appeal, wait about 4-5 hours before submitting (after midnight in Europe) if you want the best chances at success

                          Don't see much difference with the 'improved' version, to be honest.


                          • Luckily the Aeroflot 77W got accepted as was the appeal for the Delta A330-300, Thanks a lot to all involved for that.

                            Now I have another question.
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1924.JPG
Views:	117
Size:	305.0 KB
ID:	1083805 Normally I wouldn't upload shots as these anymore due to the bad conditions.
                            But as this is a Hot Photo (Frame received the new livery lately and there a no photos with new livery in the DB), I could consider it.
                            Are there made exceptions for these things ( or more lenient screening) Or shall I just forget it???
                            I checked the guidelines, but couldn't find a proper answer, so maybe one of you could halep me out.
                            If it's a no go, No problem as i would totally accept that.

                            Thank in advance for the answer.

                            Best regards.


                            • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post
                              Luckily the Aeroflot 77W got accepted as was the appeal for the Delta A330-300, Thanks a lot to all involved for that.

                              Now I have another question.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1924.JPG
Views:	117
Size:	305.0 KB
ID:	1083805 Normally I wouldn't upload shots as these anymore due to the bad conditions.
                              But as this is a Hot Photo (Frame received the new livery lately and there a no photos with new livery in the DB), I could consider it.
                              Are there made exceptions for these things ( or more lenient screening) Or shall I just forget it???
                              I checked the guidelines, but couldn't find a proper answer, so maybe one of you could halep me out.
                              If it's a no go, No problem as i would totally accept that.

                              Thank in advance for the answer.

                              Best regards.
                              Contrast/quality is too poor to be overlooked, especially since it is very likely the aircraft will be seen again soon in better conditions.


                              • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

                                Contrast/quality is too poor to be overlooked, especially since it is very likely the aircraft will be seen again soon in better conditions.
                                OK Dana,

                                I already expected something like this (only needed a sort od confirmation of thoughts tbh) so I won't upload. It can serve other targets.
                                Unfortunately we don't have a lot of great weather at AMS lately. Average is one good day around two weeks
                                Last saturday we had sunny periods, so I went out also (image above was from today), but ran into another issue.
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1661.JPG
Views:	164
Size:	737.5 KB
ID:	1083824 I caught this particar aircraft during her take-off, but caught it also at LHR in 2017.
                                As the angle is quite similar I'm afraid for a similar reject, if I decide to upload.
                                Could you (or someone els ofcourse) help me out on this.

                                Thanks in advance.

                                Best regards.

