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wkd001- Editing advice

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  • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

    OK Dana,

    I already expected something like this (only needed a sort od confirmation of thoughts tbh) so I won't upload. It can serve other targets.
    Unfortunately we don't have a lot of great weather at AMS lately. Average is one good day around two weeks
    Last saturday we had sunny periods, so I went out also (image above was from today), but ran into another issue.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1661.JPG
Views:	164
Size:	737.5 KB
ID:	1083824 I caught this particar aircraft during her take-off, but caught it also at LHR in 2017.
    As the angle is quite similar I'm afraid for a similar reject, if I decide to upload.
    Could you (or someone els ofcourse) help me out on this.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards.
    Different enough angle, and different location so shouldn't be considered similar.


    • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

      Different enough angle, and different location so shouldn't be considered similar.
      Thanks Dana I''ll give it a go,

      Could you (or someone else ofcourse) give a presceen on these photos?
      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_2019.JPG
Views:	140
Size:	342.5 KB
ID:	1084883 Biggest worry for me here is the centering. Also contrast (harsh) and sharpening could be points.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1964.JPG
Views:	124
Size:	369.6 KB
ID:	1084884 Biggest worries are contrast(low, hopefully borderline) and sharpness.

      Thanks in advance.

      Best regards.


      • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

        Thanks Dana I''ll give it a go,

        Could you (or someone else ofcourse) give a presceen on these photos?
        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_2019.JPG
Views:	140
Size:	342.5 KB
ID:	1084883 Biggest worry for me here is the centering. Also contrast (harsh) and sharpening could be points.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1964.JPG
Views:	124
Size:	369.6 KB
ID:	1084884 Biggest worries are contrast(low, hopefully borderline) and sharpness.

        Thanks in advance.

        Best regards.
        1. dark, soft
        2. dark/contrast


        • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

          1. dark, soft
          2. dark/contrast
          OK Thanks Dana,

          I've tried to rework the SAS. Exposure should be better, added more shrpening and reduced the final size of the jpg.
          I would be nice if you (or omeone else ofcourse) could shine a light over it.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_2019-2.JPG
Views:	128
Size:	329.6 KB
ID:	1085068
          Thanks in advance.

          Best Regards.


          • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

            OK Thanks Dana,

            I've tried to rework the SAS. Exposure should be better, added more shrpening and reduced the final size of the jpg.
            I would be nice if you (or omeone else ofcourse) could shine a light over it.
            Still too dark.


            • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

              Still too dark.
              OK Dana,

              The only thing i can do in this case in my opinion is to lift up the shadows further in my opinion.
              Added more exposure as such will lead to blown out highlights and also contrast/overprocessing issues in my opinion

              Do I see this right or is it maybe even a lost case here.

              Thanks in advance for an answer.

              Best Regards.


              • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

                OK Dana,

                The only thing i can do in this case in my opinion is to lift up the shadows further in my opinion.
                Added more exposure as such will lead to blown out highlights and also contrast/overprocessing issues in my opinion

                Do I see this right or is it maybe even a lost case here.

                Thanks in advance for an answer.

                Best Regards.
                Overall the whole image is quite dark, but unfortunately the angle is such there is glare on the tail that would like be blown out if you properly exposed the rest of the image. Try to find a frame without the glare.


                • Hello,

                  I would like a pre-screen on the following image.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_2092.JPG
Views:	206
Size:	274.8 KB
ID:	1086820
                  An earlier snap got rejected for blurry and underexposure. I would like to know if this one is better on the mentioned facts and if there are other issues present. For examle contrast or glare

                  My second question is about this reject.

                  It doesn't fit really well with me as most of the hard lines are visible and the less ones are softened by the light in my opinion.

                  If I'm judging wrong here I would like to know if it can fit on a proper re-edit on lower resolution

                  Thanks in advance for the time.

                  Best Regards


                  • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

                    I would like a pre-screen on the following image.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_2092.JPG
Views:	206
Size:	274.8 KB
ID:	1086820
                    An earlier snap got rejected for blurry and underexposure. I would like to know if this one is better on the mentioned facts and if there are other issues present. For examle contrast or glare

                    My second question is about this reject.

                    It doesn't fit really well with me as most of the hard lines are visible and the less ones are softened by the light in my opinion.

                    If I'm judging wrong here I would like to know if it can fit on a proper re-edit on lower resolution

                    Thanks in advance for the time.

                    Best Regards
                    I'd consider them both borderline for soft. Not terribly soft, but not really sharp either. First might be a bit harder to fix as there's also a contrast issue. Second one just needs a little more sharpening.


                    • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

                      I'd consider them both borderline for soft. Not terribly soft, but not really sharp either. First might be a bit harder to fix as there's also a contrast issue. Second one just needs a little more sharpening.
                      OK,thanks Dana,

                      I've tried my luck with an (in my eyes) improved of the Delta A359.

                      Now I would like pre-screen on these images.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_2738-2.JPG
Views:	132
Size:	502.0 KB
ID:	1087484My biggest worries here are the crop. (complete aircraft is not included on the original, original is not that different), obstruction, exposure, contrast and horizon.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_2385.JPG
Views:	110
Size:	570.1 KB
ID:	1087485 Biggest worry here is heathaze. Aircraft was parked on the runway due to covid-19 pandemic.
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_0108-3.JPG
Views:	109
Size:	392.9 KB
ID:	1087486
                      Several aircrafts parked on the runway. is some kind like this acceptable?,.I wanted to include all the parked aircraft on the runway Would this be an airport overview or a runway overview.

                      Thanks in advance.

                      Best regards.


                      • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post

                        OK,thanks Dana,

                        I've tried my luck with an (in my eyes) improved of the Delta A359.

                        Now I would like pre-screen on these images.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_2738-2.JPG
Views:	132
Size:	502.0 KB
ID:	1087484My biggest worries here are the crop. (complete aircraft is not included on the original, original is not that different), obstruction, exposure, contrast and horizon.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_2385.JPG
Views:	110
Size:	570.1 KB
ID:	1087485 Biggest worry here is heathaze. Aircraft was parked on the runway due to covid-19 pandemic.
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_0108-3.JPG
Views:	109
Size:	392.9 KB
ID:	1087486
                        Several aircrafts parked on the runway. is some kind like this acceptable?,.I wanted to include all the parked aircraft on the runway Would this be an airport overview or a runway overview.

                        Thanks in advance.

                        Best regards.
                        1. dirty. crop ok.
                        2-3 borderline soft.

                        #3 overview, either ramp or runway, whatever it is they're parked on.


                        • Good evening.

                          I would like prescreen on two images.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1835-2.JPG
Views:	107
Size:	747.5 KB
ID:	1088644I deleted this one from the queue.The contrast is the biggest issue here of course. There was a little sunlight here available and also some structure in the clouds. I want to know if its passable (borderline), but maybe its also too dark and if its workable if this version is not acceptable.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_1560-2.JPG
Views:	83
Size:	484.7 KB
ID:	1088645 Biggest question here if this one is too similar compared to this one.

                          Thanks in advance.

                          Best Regards.


                          • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post
                            I deleted this one from the queue.The contrast is the biggest issue here of course. There was a little sunlight here available and also some structure in the clouds. I want to know if its passable (borderline), but maybe its also too dark and if its workable if this version is not acceptable.
                            Has issues with contrast and horizon. The former is not likely an easy fix.

                            Originally posted by wkd001 View Post
                            Biggest question here if this one is too similar compared to this one.
                            Different enough for me, but that's subjective. Also somewhat dark.


                            • Hello, I would like a pre-screen on the following three images

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_3238-2.JPG
Views:	130
Size:	314.0 KB
ID:	1089626
                              The entire aircraft was not included in this shot, with a cut off stabilizer and a dark tail, due to sun breaking through a cloud. I'm curious how this crop is, and if it's not too soft and if there is enough contrast..
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_3170.JPG
Views:	95
Size:	252.8 KB
ID:	1089627 \
                              Wondering if this one is sharp enough and how contrast and exposure are.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_3042.JPG
Views:	95
Size:	324.1 KB
ID:	1089628 Wondering if the contrast is not too harsh and if it's not too heathazed/oversharpened

                              if there are other issues i woulld like too know as well.

                              Thanks in advance.


                              • Originally posted by wkd001 View Post
                                Hello, I would like a pre-screen on the following three images

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_3238-2.JPG
Views:	130
Size:	314.0 KB
ID:	1089626
                                The entire aircraft was not included in this shot, with a cut off stabilizer and a dark tail, due to sun breaking through a cloud. I'm curious how this crop is, and if it's not too soft and if there is enough contrast..
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_3170.JPG
Views:	95
Size:	252.8 KB
ID:	1089627 \
                                Wondering if this one is sharp enough and how contrast and exposure are.
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_3042.JPG
Views:	95
Size:	324.1 KB
ID:	1089628 Wondering if the contrast is not too harsh and if it's not too heathazed/oversharpened

                                if there are other issues i woulld like too know as well.

                                Thanks in advance.
                                1. crop ok, but much too soft
                                2. also too soft
                                3. also soft. borderline (but acceptable for me) contrast

