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MarkLawrence - Editing Advice

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  • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
    Okay - thanks Dana - I guess I will submit a request for a new airline as it does not show up in the list at the moment. Any idea on the category thing?
    10 seats or fewer in the cabin? If so, then yes Small Prop.


    • My mistake - I thought it only applied to single engine too - not twins....when the airline is added I will resubmit.


      • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
        My mistake - I thought it only applied to single engine too - not twins.
        That's how it is/was at anet


        • Interestingly enough Dana, I submitted again with the Small Prop - it got rejected this time for noise/grain - AND - incorrect categories - soooooooo - if I do manage to edit a frame without the noise - I still doesn't know which one will be correct!!!!


          • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
            Interestingly enough Dana, I submitted again with the Small Prop - it got rejected this time for noise/grain - AND - incorrect categories - soooooooo - if I do manage to edit a frame without the noise - I still doesn't know which one will be correct!!!!
            Well... there is some noise visible, but obviously would have been acceptable for me, especially as a new reg. Category rejection was a mistake, so if you were to appeal, I know I would accept it.


            • Surprisingly, I have just submitted an appeal for it!!


              • Would this be classed as backlit because the sun is right overhead? And other problems screeners might detect too?

                Click image for larger version

Name:	BlueAngels-04.jpg
Views:	85
Size:	661.3 KB
ID:	1089314


                • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                  Would this be classed as backlit because the sun is right overhead? And other problems screeners might detect too?

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	BlueAngels-04.jpg
Views:	85
Size:	661.3 KB
ID:	1089314
                  Being backlit is enough that you don't really need to worry about the other issues.


                  • This was rejected for obstruction , but as it is the tug pushing the aircraft back, does it not possible count as being part of the composition?


                    • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post

                      This was rejected for obstruction , but as it is the tug pushing the aircraft back, does it not possible count as being part of the composition?
                      This one's a bit subjective, but the instances where we allow the tug to block the gear is when it's unavoidable. Looks like in this case a few seconds earlier you would have been able to get a shot without it blocking.


                      • Thanks Dana - that was the first in the sequence due to clouds - I did manage to get one at the end of the sequence where it's not obstructed and have edited that one.


                        • This is an iPhone image taken from an adjacent runway. I know that there are not many phone camera images accepted, but wondered if this had any chance, and what might improve it to give it any chance.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	C17-0187-KFLL-11202020-02.jpg
Views:	126
Size:	777.9 KB
ID:	1103674


                          • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                            This is an iPhone image taken from an adjacent runway. I know that there are not many phone camera images accepted, but wondered if this had any chance, and what might improve it to give it any chance.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	C17-0187-KFLL-11202020-02.jpg
Views:	126
Size:	777.9 KB
ID:	1103674
                            Sorry no chance. Very soft and extreme amounts of noise/compression.


                            • Thanks Dana!


                              • Can someone help me with where the dust spot(s) is/are on this because I think I'm going blind....

                       is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

