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MarkLawrence - Editing Advice

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  • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
    I went back to revisit a previous rejection and worked on this image. Please can a screener pre-screen it for me.
    Soft, compression, borderline dark/contrast.


    • Thanks Dana.,


      • Can I please ask a screener about this rejection. I know that the building behind the aircraft is rather small, but I did align to that vertical and then the lamppost vbehind the aircraft seems to be v ertical too. Can I ask where the horizon might be off on this please? is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!


        • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
          Can I please ask a screener about this rejection. I know that the building behind the aircraft is rather small, but I did align to that vertical and then the lamppost vbehind the aircraft seems to be v ertical too. Can I ask where the horizon might be off on this please?

          Can't really tell myself, but I guess might benefit from a little CW.


          • Okay .. thanks Dana


            • Could a screener please validate this rejection for contrast? Judging by the histogram, it seems within limits.

     is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!


              • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                Could a screener please validate this rejection for contrast? Judging by the histogram, it seems within limits.

                Contrast is flat..and actually looks backlit?


                • Thanks Dana, I'll re-edit and ask for for another opinion . it's such a rare visitor due to a diversion.


                  • I have added some contrast to this - I was hoping that seeing that the sun is to the right of the center line of the fuselage, I was hoping it would be acceptable.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	A35K-A7-ANN-KFLL-05232024-02.jpg
Views:	63
Size:	891.1 KB
ID:	1191393
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	B752-N627NP-KFLL-05152024.jpg
Views:	69
Size:	758.8 KB
ID:	1191395
                    Also, can I check - is this too heat hazed? Any other issues?

                    Attached Files


                    • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                      I have added some contrast to this - I was hoping that seeing that the sun is to the right of the center line of the fuselage, I was hoping it would be acceptable.
                      Also, can I check - is this too heat hazed? Any other issues?
                      1. contrast a bit better, but still not sure if actually backlit or not
                      2. horizon, soft/blurry, backlit


                      • Thanks Dana.


                        • Can I please ask the screeners about this rejection - - bad processing? I don't see any compression in the sky, and I don't see any halos? And also, too much or too little contrast?



                          • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                            Can I please ask the screeners about this rejection - - bad processing? I don't see any compression in the sky, and I don't see any halos? And also, too much or too little contrast?
                            Contrast is a bit weak. I would ignore the overprocessed rejection, I don't see any issues.


                            • Thanks Dana - have reedited for additional contrast.


                              • I have a question regarding aircraft on static display at airshows. I shot the attached image at an airshow in Canada recently, but as can be seen there are barriers around the aircraft that cannot be avoided in the shot. Does this fall outside the category of obstruction because there is no way to avoid them?
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Polaris-15001-CYTR-06302024.jpg
Views:	35
Size:	680.9 KB
ID:	1192866
                                Attached Files

