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MarkLawrence - Editing Advice

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  • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
    I have a question regarding aircraft on static display at airshows. I shot the attached image at an airshow in Canada recently, but as can be seen there are barriers around the aircraft that cannot be avoided in the shot. Does this fall outside the category of obstruction because there is no way to avoid them?
    A bit subjective, so you there won't be a definitive answer on this, but if it looks like changing the time/angle would solve the issue, then generally not acceptable. This is why permanent installations are always ok with things like stairs/fences, but temporary displays (like this) may not be. In this case I would say probably obstruction since at a different time/day you probably won't have the issue.


    • Thanks Dana. The problem with this was that for the duration of the airshow (2 days), tis was exactly the same situation. It was actuially parked that way Friday night, and then didn't get moved until Monday, so in this case, it was a pretty permanent barrier for the duration. Would explaining that in a submission help in any way, or is this one just gone. Unfortunately, I was only in Trenton for the duration of the show, and so could not get this at any other time.


      • I may have a tip for you with helped me at an Airshow. Put your cam on a monopod, flip the screen down, hold it up till it isnt obstructing anymore. Helped me with static Helicopters and other static Planes. From what it looks like with a bit movement to the Right and the camera a meter higher would have been avoidable. Shooting static is always difficult especially when you dont think about this while on a hot summer day. Just some tips from me that helped me


        • Thanks!! Good info for the future!!


          • Click image for larger version

Name:	F16-91-0395-CYTR-06302024.jpg
Views:	56
Size:	1.12 MB
ID:	1193901
            Could a screener please pre-screen this for me.

            Attached Files


            • I also have a question on this rejection and how to correct it.

     is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!

              From the angle at which it is taken. it seems I'm going to struggle with a vertical to align it. If I align the verticals at the front of hte aircraft, the back is not vertical. As it stands now, I aligned the vertical on the lamp post at the back of the aircraft, but the verticals in the front are not right. There is not vertical midline of the aircraft. So, the question is, where to align the vertical for the horizon?


              • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                Could a screener please pre-screen this for me.

                Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                I also have a question on this rejection and how to correct it.

       is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!

                From the angle at which it is taken. it seems I'm going to struggle with a vertical to align it. If I align the verticals at the front of hte aircraft, the back is not vertical. As it stands now, I aligned the vertical on the lamp post at the back of the aircraft, but the verticals in the front are not right. There is not vertical midline of the aircraft. So, the question is, where to align the vertical for the horizon?
                Needs a little CW rotation.​


                • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post


                  Needs a little CW rotation.​
                  I thought the first one might be pushing it a little. Thanks on both of those Dana, will look at aligning that tomorrow.
                  Last edited by MarkLawrence; 2024-07-20, 15:17.


                  • I have a previous version of this rejected for soft. Could a screener please check this for sharpness and any other issues?

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Tricolori-MM55055-CYTR-06302024.jpg
Views:	71
Size:	402.2 KB
ID:	1194012


                    • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                      I have a previous version of this rejected for soft. Could a screener please check this for sharpness and any other issues?
                      Pretty badly oversharpened, maybe heat hazed. Contrast a bit dark/harsh too.


                      • Thanks Dana - I will work on another in the series.


                        • Can a screener please comment on this - does it get rejected for backlit?

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	B763-4X-ISR-KFLL-07262024-02.jpg
Views:	38
Size:	332.5 KB
ID:	1194391
                          Attached Files


                          • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                            Can a screener please comment on this - does it get rejected for backlit?
                            Yes it's backlit.


                            • Thanks Dana, bad time of day to shoot, but it was special.


                              • Could a screener please check this for uploading. I am confused in a way because when I equalize it in Photoshop, the compression does not seem too bad (image -EQ attached). However, when I load it into JP and do the check dust, well the difference is immense. So, I guess is the edit that bad that it will be rejected?

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	CF-18-188774-CYTR-06302024-03.jpg
Views:	23
Size:	517.9 KB
ID:	1194471Click image for larger version

Name:	CF-18-188774-CYTR-06302024-03-EQ.jpg
Views:	24
Size:	1.09 MB
ID:	1194473Click image for larger version

Name:	F-18-JPCheckDust.jpg
Views:	23
Size:	572.2 KB
ID:	1194475
                                Attached Files

