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MarkLawrence - Editing Advice

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  • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
    Could a screener please check this for uploading. I am confused in a way because when I equalize it in Photoshop, the compression does not seem too bad (image -EQ attached). However, when I load it into JP and do the check dust, well the difference is immense. So, I guess is the edit that bad that it will be rejected?
    The compressed appearance likely comes from it being (I'm assuming) a heavy crop. Bigger issues would be over processing and softness.


    • Thanks Dana. I'll see if I can work on it more, there is not a huge amount of processing on it.


      • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
        there is not a huge amount of processing on it.
        Yet editing halos are visible.


        • Which confuses me too - no shadows and no highlights, a little exposure and a little clarity.


          • Clarity can at a little level also cause this. had this happen to me once at 2 clarity


            • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
              Which confuses me too - no shadows and no highlights, a little exposure and a little clarity.
              Clarity 100% will cause halos on a blue sky background.


              • Wow - I have learned something Dana - I have been putting some clarity on every image for the past few years - I will try editing that image without! Thanks!!


                • Click image for larger version

Name:	Tango-1529.jpg
Views:	65
Size:	441.8 KB
ID:	1195077

                  I have spent some time working on this image - can I get a pre-screen please.
                  Attached Files


                  • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post

                    I have spent some time working on this image - can I get a pre-screen please.
                    Soft, overprocessed.


                    • Thanks Dana.


                      • I'd like to ask about this rejection. The aircraft on short final makes a nose down adjustment - but it's an unlevel horizon? May I ask based on what? I would venture to say it has the dame sort of angle as another I took the same day.
                        Last edited by MarkLawrence; 2024-08-06, 23:08.


                        • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                          I'd like to ask about this rejection. The aircraft on short final makes a nose down adjustment - but it's an unlevel horizon? May I ask based on what? I would venture to say it has the dame sort of angle as another I took the same day.
                          Impossible to be certain of course, but I don't see anything that tells me it is level. The 737 looks slightly off, but within an acceptable range. The 787 just looks too off, imho.


                          • Okay, I guess I will just have to guess - thanks Dana.


                            • Could a screener please give advice on this rejection - it was previously rejected for color for a green cast that I thought I corrected, so I'm not sure what the color issue is now. Also, is this too much or too little contrast - this is a darker shade of grey on this CC-130, but just not sure where it is going wrong.


                              • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                                Could a screener please give advice on this rejection - it was previously rejected for color for a green cast that I thought I corrected, so I'm not sure what the color issue is now. Also, is this too much or too little contrast - this is a darker shade of grey on this CC-130, but just not sure where it is going wrong.
                                Contrast a bit harsh, but ok for me. Pretty noticeable red/magenta tint.

