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MarkLawrence - Editing Advice

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  • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
    I had a question regarding this rejection:

    I am struggling to understand the horizon unlevel. This Pilatus was on very short final for SXM and was at that angle because of multiple S approaches. How is the unlevel horizon determined on this? Also, because it is a gray colored aircraft, how do I add more contrast to this without really over-saturating the color.

    I would disregard the horizon rejection. With no references anywhere in the frame, it should just be taken as is, imho.


    • I have had the following pictures rejected for bad info: airline. I was concerned because when I entered the registration originally, a list came up of possible owners, and so I went and checked the FAA registration page. Both aircraft according to the FAA as registered as owned by American Airlines of which American Eagle is a wholly owned subsidiary. Republic and ExpressJet (which were the other two options) are separate companies not owned by American. So, I selected American Eagle as the airline. I have provided the link to the FAA page below as well for one of the jets. So, my question to the screening team is can I get a definitive position on who the airline selected should be so that I can either resubmit with the correct airline or appeal the rejection.

      Thanks very much. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online! is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!
      Last edited by MarkLawrence; 2020-01-27, 17:42.


      • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
        I have had the following pictures rejected for bad info: airline. I was concerned because when I entered the registration originally, a list came up of possible owners, and so I went and checked the FAA registration page. Both aircraft according to the FAA as registered as owned by American Airlines of which American Eagle is a wholly owned subsidiary. Republic and ExpressJet (which were the other two options) are separate companies not owned by American. So, I selected American Eagle as the airline. I have provided the link to the FAA page below as well for one of the jets. So, my question to the screening team is can I get a definitive position on who the airline selected should be so that I can either resubmit with the correct airline or appeal the rejection.

        Thanks very much. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online! is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

        American Eagle (Envoy Air)


        • Thank you Dana - I will reload them as Envoy.

 is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

          I have another question and please I am not trying to nit-pick on this - I am just trying to get some clarification. I had the above image rejected for horizon unlevel and I appealed it because due to winds, etc. a great deal of the aircraft that afternoon were coming in with a fairly aggressive angle of approach. The appeal was rejected and with the explanation that the clouds were leaning to the right. So, I started to look at some other images of mine from the same day that were accepted, and I saw the same issue with the clouds, but the images were accepted and I just wanted to get some clarification on this - when are clouds taken into account for the horizon. The couple of images that are listed below are mine and so I am not comparing to anyone else. One has a building in it the shows the horizon was level but the clouds are leaning to the right. Again - I want to state that I am not trying to start an argument or nit-pick - I'm just asking for clarification on this particular matter.

          N285XA. Boeing 737-4Q8. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

          Western Global MD-11 on final for the parallel. N379CX. Boeing 767-323(ER)(BDSF). is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

          N821NN. Boeing 737-823. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

          Thank you for the clarification.


          • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
            Thank you Dana - I will reload them as Envoy.

   is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

            I have another question and please I am not trying to nit-pick on this - I am just trying to get some clarification. I had the above image rejected for horizon unlevel and I appealed it because due to winds, etc. a great deal of the aircraft that afternoon were coming in with a fairly aggressive angle of approach. The appeal was rejected and with the explanation that the clouds were leaning to the right. So, I started to look at some other images of mine from the same day that were accepted, and I saw the same issue with the clouds, but the images were accepted and I just wanted to get some clarification on this - when are clouds taken into account for the horizon. The couple of images that are listed below are mine and so I am not comparing to anyone else. One has a building in it the shows the horizon was level but the clouds are leaning to the right. Again - I want to state that I am not trying to start an argument or nit-pick - I'm just asking for clarification on this particular matter.

            N285XA. Boeing 737-4Q8. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

            Western Global MD-11 on final for the parallel. N379CX. Boeing 767-323(ER)(BDSF). is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

            N821NN. Boeing 737-823. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

            Thank you for the clarification.
            Clouds themselves won't usually be taken into consideration, but taken in combination with the unusual angle they might be looked at. If there are winds affecting the approaches like that and there are no ground references best to leave a message to the screeners.


            • Thanks Dana - I did in my appeal note - but - I guess the screener didn't agree with me - I will re-edit.


              • is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

                I have a question regarding this reject if a screener can help me out. I had this one accepted and I had deliberately cropped that tight because I liked the crop of it. The one that was accepted shows to me the same sort of symmetry as the one that was rejected - so - I'm wondering what part of the plane is cut off - is it the tail that it is being rejected for? Because my accepted one also has part of the tail cut off - was just wondering about them. Advice on the rejection please?


                • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post

                  I have a question regarding this reject if a screener can help me out. I had this one accepted and I had deliberately cropped that tight because I liked the crop of it. The one that was accepted shows to me the same sort of symmetry as the one that was rejected - so - I'm wondering what part of the plane is cut off - is it the tail that it is being rejected for? Because my accepted one also has part of the tail cut off - was just wondering about them. Advice on the rejection please?
                  If you're going to crop the tail as you did in the rejected one, better to crop a lot tighter than you did. If not, better to leave the whole tail in. It's ok in the accepted image because you at least cropped tightly to the horizontal stab.


                  • That's the explanation I needed - thanks Dana!


                    • Could I ask for a pre-screen on this please.Click image for larger version

Name:	G650-N650EH-KFLL-03092020-02.jpg
Views:	115
Size:	743.2 KB
ID:	1084002


                      • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                        Could I ask for a pre-screen on this please.Click image for larger version

Name:	G650-N650EH-KFLL-03092020-02.jpg
Views:	115
Size:	743.2 KB
ID:	1084002
                        Soft and a bit noisy.


                        • Thanks Dana


                          • Could a screener please help me with this?

                            The owner is a private LLC - I selected Other | Private - and - it was rejected for bad info:airline - is this wrong?

                            Also, I don't think I selected small prop, and I'm not sure if this is classed as a small prop? I've never selected small prop for a KingAir? - but - maybe I did and that is what was wrong.


                            • Originally posted by MarkLawrence View Post
                              Could a screener please help me with this?

                              The owner is a private LLC - I selected Other | Private - and - it was rejected for bad info:airline - is this wrong?

                              Also, I don't think I selected small prop, and I'm not sure if this is classed as a small prop? I've never selected small prop for a KingAir? - but - maybe I did and that is what was wrong.
                              Owner listed as Zulu Air by FAA, and doesn't appear to be a private operator:


                              • Okay - thanks Dana - I guess I will submit a request for a new airline as it does not show up in the list at the moment. Any idea on the category thing?

