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Flying.Fonz - Editing advice

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  • Perfect. Thanks very much.


    • Hi,

      I can't find the registration details for this one. What should I use when I upload it?

      Click image for larger version

Name:	US Navy F-18E Super Hornet 302 KWIA.jpg
Views:	165
Size:	1.01 MB
ID:	1079018


      • Originally posted by Flying.Fonz View Post

        I can't find the registration details for this one. What should I use when I upload it?

        Click image for larger version

Name:	US Navy F-18E Super Hornet 302 KWIA.jpg
Views:	165
Size:	1.01 MB
ID:	1079018
        If you don't know the serial, unfortunately you cannot upload it. However an easy search shows this appears to be 165861.


        • Thanks. For future reference, what 'easy' search did you do?


          • Originally posted by Flying.Fonz View Post
            Thanks. For future reference, what 'easy' search did you do?
            I found it by searching (Google) VFA-192, which appears to be the squadron, and then 302 to identify the specific aircraft. It lead me to a Flickr page that contained the serial. This may not have been the process dlowwa followed, but I hope this helps


            • Originally posted by Flying.Fonz View Post
              Thanks. For future reference, what 'easy' search did you do?


              • Perfect. Thanks guys.


                • Is something like this acceptable?

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Sunset A380.jpg
Views:	146
Size:	934.0 KB
ID:	1079163


                  • Originally posted by Flying.Fonz View Post
                    Is something like this acceptable?

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Sunset A380.jpg
Views:	146
Size:	934.0 KB
ID:	1079163
                    Not for here.


                    • Thanks. Just wondered as there are plenty of moon shots or interesting weather with small aircraft silhouettes.



                      • Hi,

                        I tried to add a new reg to the DB but twice its gone to the back of the queue. I added a comment in the Hot Photo both times. Seems odd as normally that works, so, wondering if there is something else I need to do.



                        • Originally posted by Flying.Fonz View Post

                          I tried to add a new reg to the DB but twice its gone to the back of the queue. I added a comment in the Hot Photo both times. Seems odd as normally that works, so, wondering if there is something else I need to do.

                          Any comments in the Hot Photo section should automatically send it to the front of the queue. What is the reg.?


                          • Hi,

                            I had this rejection

                   is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

                            but since there is no way to know what the 'category wrong or missing' is and the screener did not include it in the rejection, I have no idea which tick box was incorrect. Any chance of shedding light on this one please.

                            Feedback for screener: If you reject for something as trivial as this, provide info on which category is missing since we can't see the categories once the photo is rejected. Otherwise, all you're going to get is another likely rejection and wasted time -not what you need when you're screening 15,000+ photos.



                            • Originally posted by Flying.Fonz View Post

                              I had this rejection

                     is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

                              but since there is no way to know what the 'category wrong or missing' is and the screener did not include it in the rejection, I have no idea which tick box was incorrect. Any chance of shedding light on this one please.

                              Feedback for screener: If you reject for something as trivial as this, provide info on which category is missing since we can't see the categories once the photo is rejected. Otherwise, all you're going to get is another likely rejection and wasted time -not what you need when you're screening 15,000+ photos.

                              Feedback for photographer: an image will never be rejected for category alone, so make your best effort (or leave a message if you are unsure) and we will correct any issues. I personally fix 20-30 images a day for category that would otherwise could have been rejected. Your image was rejected for the poor crop, not category alone. If the missing category (in this case Night Shot) has been the only issue, it would have been added for you. No need to get worked up over not understanding a category rejection; either ask here for help, or just do your best when uploading and we will fix it for you if there no other issues.


                              • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post

                                Feedback for photographer: an image will never be rejected for category alone, so make your best effort (or leave a message if you are unsure) and we will correct any issues. I personally fix 20-30 images a day for category that would otherwise could have been rejected. Your image was rejected for the poor crop, not category alone. If the missing category (in this case Night Shot) has been the only issue, it would have been added for you. No need to get worked up over not understanding a category rejection; either ask here for help, or just do your best when uploading and we will fix it for you if there no other issues.
                                Thanks and I have no issues with the main reason for the rejection. It is clear and in fact, it would be great to hear which better crop to use.

                                My question was around incorrect boxes ticked and being able to see what it was once it was rejected. In this instance, I asked for help here because I'm still unsure what I should have ticked.

                                Its not about being worked up, its about trying to do it properly in the first place and the photographer helping where he/she can.

