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MIEImages - editing advice / feedback

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  • PMN
    Hi Marcus,

    I didn't screen this shot but I don't think compression was a primary rejection reason here, there are traces of compression if the image is equalised which could probably be avoided by always saving your edited JPEG at the highest quality. The file size on this shot is quite low at 248kb which is getting down to the kind of size where you might be risking compression becoming visible.

    I think the primary reason is probably the fact it's a bit low in the frame, you should get a more balanced image if it's a bit higher.

    This isn't mentioned in the rejection but to my eyes the contrast is a little off, slightly lacking darker tones and overall a bit on the bright side. Here's an example with a couple of minor tweaks to the overall brightness and contrast (I had to crop the copyright bar off to see what the histogram was doing so I've added your name over the tail):

    Hope that helps!


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  • theaviationspotter
    I am not one of JP crew member however reasons for rejection are correct.
    Aircraft is not centered besides that you should have clicked ''business'' category while uploading photo.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	64.2 KB
ID:	1022381

    Framing should be like that

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  • MIEImages
    started a topic MIEImages - editing advice / feedback

    MIEImages - editing advice / feedback

    Not sure what I'm doing, but I have been rejected 3 times...check out the latest photo, I need feedback because I'm not understanding the reasons:

    Bad Composition (bad framing / aircraft not centered) JPG compression artefacts
    Categories wrong or missing
    Attached Files