I've had several attempts at submitting photos, all have been rejected for various reasons, many of which I am happy with and have certainly learned from. However, I must ask for some advice on this one that was rejected for being undersharpened and backlit. When I zoom into 100% in Lightroom the lettering on this aircraft look perfectly crisp to me, and I don't think it has motion blur. While the sun was above and behind the aircraft, I don't understand why the rejection for being backlit if the subject aircraft is well-exposed and perfectly well lit, and background isn't blown out. What am I missing?
Thanks in advance,
I've had several attempts at submitting photos, all have been rejected for various reasons, many of which I am happy with and have certainly learned from. However, I must ask for some advice on this one that was rejected for being undersharpened and backlit. When I zoom into 100% in Lightroom the lettering on this aircraft look perfectly crisp to me, and I don't think it has motion blur. While the sun was above and behind the aircraft, I don't understand why the rejection for being backlit if the subject aircraft is well-exposed and perfectly well lit, and background isn't blown out. What am I missing?
Thanks in advance,